91 It is well established that, proinflammatory cytokines induce “sickness behavior,” a symptom complex phenotypically similar to the somatic depressive symptoms of anorexia, fatigue, reduced pain threshold, and insomnia. Proinflammatory cytokine activation is also associated with a reduction in cognitive performance and abnormal brain activation patterns.92,93 For example, elderly persons with high
FL-6 plasma concentrations are more likely to exhibit a decline in cognitive function.94 Infusion of an endotoxin to healthy individuals Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has also been demonstrated to induce cognitive deficits in both verbal and visual memory.95 Preliminary results also document, an elevated proinflammatory cytokine profile (eg, I.L-8, TNF-α) in bipolar disorder during active depressive or manic states.92,96,97 Substance use comorbidity:
subphenotyping Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical temporality of onset and shared neurobiology? The effect of temporality of onset, of bipolar disorder on alcohol/substance use selleck screening library disorders may provide a more refined view of the association between bipolar disorder and comorbidity syndromes.98 For example, Strakowski et al reported that, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the relative onset, of alcohol use disorders in bipolar disorder affects the subsequent courses of illness in patients with both conditions.99 Individuals for whom the alcohol use disorder antedates the onset, of bipolar disorder were significantly more likely to be older, have higher educational attainment, have a later age at onset of bipolar disorder, exhibit, psychosis, recover from the index episode, and less likely to evince mixed states. Conversely,
individuals presenting with bipolar illness first, exhibited more rapid cycling, mixed states, more time with affective episodes, and symptoms of an alcohol use disorder Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical during follow-up. A separate analysis evaluating co-occurring cannabis use in the course of bipolar disorder after a first hospitalization for mania reported that the effect, of the sequence of onset, of bipolar in cannabis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical use disorder was less pronounced than observed in co-occuring alcohol and bipolar disorder. The cannabis-first group exhibited a higher recovery rate, although when adjusted for potential mediating variables the results did not persist. Cannabis use was associated with more time spent in affective episodes and rapid cycling.99 A defining characteristic of addiction is the overpowering motivational strength and decreased ability to control the desire GPX6 to obtain a substance despite economic, social, and/or health-related consequences.44,100,101 Obesity is increasingly viewed as a consequence of an addictive behaviour; that is, foraging and ingestion habits persist. and strengthen despite the threat of catastrophic consequences.100,102-108 Moreover, it is conjectured that both obesity and substance use disorders are subserved by an overlapping, and aberrant, reward-motivation neural network (eg, ventral tegmental-nucleus accumbens circuit).