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FE rendered advise an did some literature search. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Introduction Anorectal avulsion is an exceptional rectal trauma. In this kind of lesions, the anus and sphincter no longer join the perineum and are pulled upward. They are in addition ventrally following levator ani muscles. The management of this kind of lesions remains a matter of great debate. Early repair of the rectum, diverting colostomy, wound debridement, distal rectal wash-out are the most important procedures GSI-IX that help prevent sepsis. In addition, the colostomy closure can only be performed after pelvic rehabilitation in order to prevent transitory incontinence. Observation A 29-years-old patient was admitted to the emergency room (ER) of the University hospital Hassan II of Fez after having an accident which resulted in a severe pelvic trauma. When the
patient was admitted to the ER, he was agitated but conscious and hemodynamically stable with slightly discolored conjunctives. The physical examination revealed a pulse rate PAK5 of 90 beat per minute, a blood pressure of 110/80 mmHg, but there was no fever. Abdominal examination showed minimal tenderness in the hypogastria with a distended bladder. Urologic examination revealed urethral bleeding with a large scrotal scar. The perineal exam showed a big substance loss with complete anorectal avulsion due to the contraction of the elevator ani muscle (Figure 1). Laboratory data showed a white-blood cell count of 10 900/mm3, serum hemoglobin concentration of 10,4 g/dl with a normal blood platelet level (390,000/mm3), a blood urea of 0.45 g/l and a creatinine level of 10 mg/L. Hemostasis laboratory data, chemistry and serum lipase were within normal limits. So, being hemodynamic stable, the patient underwent chest X-ray. The latter was normal. The pelvic X-ray showed a right ischio pubic rami fracture (Figure 2).