ATP-sensitive and maxi potassium channels regulate BRL 37344-induced tocolysis in buffaloes-an in vitro study
Vipin Sharma, Sooraj V. Nair, Pooja Jaitley, Udayraj P. Nakade, Abhishek Sharma, Soumen Choudhury, Satish Kumar Garg
PII: S0093-691X(17)30529-0
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2017.10.044 Reference: THE 14327
To appear in: Theriogenology
Received Date: 22 June 2017
Revised Date: 26 October 2017
Accepted Date: 30 October 2017
Please cite this article as: Sharma V, Nair SV, Jaitley P, Nakade UP, Sharma A, Choudhury S, Garg SK, ATP-sensitive and maxi potassium channels regulate BRL 37344-induced tocolysis in buffaloes-an in vitro study, Theriogenology (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2017.10.044.
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ATP-sensitive and maxi potassium channels regulate BRL 37344-inducedtocolysis in buffaloes- an in vitro study
Vipin Sharma, Sooraj V Nair, Pooja Jaitley, Udayraj P. Nakade, Abhishek Sharma,
Soumen Choudhury and Satish Kumar Garg
Smooth Muscle Pharmacology & Molecular Pharmacology Laboratory
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam
Go-Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura-281001
33 Cellular coupling of beta3-adrenoceptors (β3-ADR) to potassium channels in
34 myometrium is largely unknown. In vitro study was undertaken to unravel the presence of β3-
35 adrenergic receptors (ADR) and the role of K+-channels in mediating β3-ADR-induced
36 relaxation in isolated myometrial strips from cyclic non-pregnant water buffaloes. Isometric
37 tension was recorded in isolated myometrial strips using data acquisition system based
38 physiograph. Compared to SR 59230A, BRL 37344 was found to be more potent in inducing
39 β3-dependent myometrial relaxation which was significantly (p<0.05) inhibited in the
40 presence of β3 anagonist, SAR 150640. The immunoreactive protein to β3-ADR was also
41 detected in membrane fraction of myometrial protein. Further, incubation with BRL 37344
42 (10 µM) significantly (p<0.05) increased c-AMP accumulation (37.58 ± 9.52 pmol/mg
43 protein; n=4) in the myometrial strips compared to basal c-AMP level (16.85 ± 3.87 pmol/mg
44 protein; n=4). The concentration response curves (CRC) of BRL 37344 were significantly
45 (p<0.05) shifted towards right in the presence of KATP channels specific blocker,
46 glibenclamide (10 µM) and maxi K+-channels (BKCa) specific blocker, iberiotoxin (100 nM),
47 with decrease in both efficacy and potency compared to control. However, 4-aminopyridine
48 (4-AP), a specific blocker of voltage gated K+-channels (Kv), failed to alter the CRC of BRL
49 37344. Existence of immunoreactive protein to Kir6.1, α-subunit of BKCa and Kv1.1 channels
50 were also detected in the membrane fraction of myometrial protein. Based on the above
51 findings, it can be concluded that BRL 37344 is a potent stimulator of β3-adrenoceptors in
52 buffalo myometrium and besides mediating their effect through rise in c-AMP, they are
53 coupled to KATP and BKCa channels in inducing tocolytic effects.
54 Keywords: BRL 37344, KATP, BKCa, beta3-adrenoceptors, myometrium.
56 1. Introduction
57 Uterine contractility in non-pregnant uterus governs semen transport in the
58 reproductive tract as well as the movement and positioning of embryos in the uterine cavity
59 thus regulating implantation, gestation and parturition. The complex interaction between
60 different factors [1,2] regulate the uterine activity and abnormality in uterine activity leads to
61 implantation failure, spontaneous miscarriage, preterm birth and many other disorders [3]
62 Beta3-adrenoceptors (β3-ADR) are considered to be a potential target for anti-obesity
63 and anti-diabetic drugs due to their ability to stimulate lipolysis in white adipose tissue
64 (WAT) and lipolysis and thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Besides WAT and
65 BAT, the importance of β3-ADR has also been demonstrated in variety of mammalian tissues
66 including stomach, colon, ileum, gallbladder and brain [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] and also in myometrial
67 inflammation, apoptosis [9] and uterine remodelling [10]. Recently, involvement of β3-ADR
68 in regulation of myometrial activity in human [11,12], rats [13,14] and mice [15] has also
69 been documented and these studies have elucidated some species differences in β3-ADR
70 pharmacology.
71 Therapeutic use of selective beta2-adrenoceptor agonists is well accepted due to their
72 inhibitory nature in uterine and bronchial smooth muscles. β2-ADRs contribute to uterine
73 quiescence which is essential for development of fetus during gestation [16,17]. However,
74 clinical use of selective β2-ADR agonists (eg. ritodrine and salbutamol) in uterine disorders
75 [18, 19] is associated with maternal and foetal side effects as well as reduced efficacy of
76 these drugs [20, 21]. This reduced efficacy is due to the associated desensitization of β2-ADR
77 upon stimulation by agonist and thereby phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues at
78 C-terminal ends of the receptor protein by G-protein receptor kinase (GRK) [13, 22].
79 However, β3-ADR lacks this protein kinase-A (PK-A)-dependent phosphorylation site and
80 has fewer serine and threonine residues at C-terminal tail [23], thus making it a potential
81 therapeutic target for addressing challenges in animal reproduction including implantation
82 failure, spontaneous miscarriage, preterm birth etc.
83 Beta-adrenoceptors are coupled to Gs protein and mediate smooth muscle relaxation
84 via stimulating adenosine 3’5′ cyclic monophosphate (c-AMP) production [24]. In some cell
85 types, although the predominant beta-adrenergic receptor present is β3, but increase in c-AMP
86 primarily occurs through β1 and β2 adrenoceptors activation [25]; thus suggesting the possible
87 existence of some alternating signaling pathway in β3-ADR-mediated action on smooth
88 muscle. Role of potassium channels in mediating beta adrenoceptors-mediated action has
89 been demonstrated by several authors [26, 27, 28]. Recently, Hristov and co-workers [29]
90 have reported a functional link between maxi-potassium (BKCa) channels and β3-ADR via
91 ryanodine receptors of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to induce myogenic relaxation in rat
92 detrusor smooth muscle. Activation of the BKCa channels following stimulation of β3-ADR in
93 human uterine myocytes has also been reported [30]. However, functional presence of β3-
94 ADR and the underlining signaling mechanism(s) of β3-ADR activation along with their
95 cellular coupling with potassium channels is yet to be established in myometrium of any farm
96 animal species including buffaloes. Therefore, in view of the paucity of information on
97 existence of β3-ADR and its cross-talk with K-channels in modulating uterine physiology and
98 possible use of such information in addressing reproductive disorders in buffaloes (Bubalus
99 bubalis), present study was undertaken to elucidate the presence of β3-ADR and their cellular
100 coupling with BKCa and ATP sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in mediating uterine
101 relaxation in buffaloes employing functional and molecular biology methods.
102 2. Materials and Methods
103 2.1 Tissue source
104 Uteri along with ovaries were collected from nondescript adult cyclic buffaloes
105 (Bubalus bubalis), from the local abattoir immediately after slaughter and transported to
106 laboratory in chilled (4.0 ± 0.5◦C) Ringer-Locke solution (RLS) having pH of 7.4. Diestrous
107 stage uteri were selected based on the well developed projected (crowned) corpus luteum on
108 ovaries, genitalia with closed cervix and thick mucus [31]. The uteri were also cut open to
109 further rule out the possibility of any early pregnancy. All the experimental protocols were
110 followed as per the guidelines of Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of
111 Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) with the approval no. 110/IAEC/16/40/2.
112 2.2 Recording of isometric tension
113 Longitudinal strips (3 mm x 1 cm) of myometrium were prepared from mid-cornual
114 region of the uterus by carefully removing the endometrial tissues [28] and mounted in an
115 organ bath (Ugo Basile, Italy) of 10 ml capacity containing RLS maintained at 37.0 ± 0.5◦C
116 and continuously aerated with carbogen (95% O2 + 5% CO2) under a resting tension of 2 g.
117 During the equilibration period of 2 hrs, bath fluid was changed almost after every 10 min.
118 Isometric tension was recorded with the help of force transducer (Panlab, Spain) using Lab
119 Chart Pro V6.1.3 software (Powerlab, AD Instruments; Australia). The dosing interval for
120 BRL-37344 (a selective β3 agonist) and terbutaline (a selective β2 agonist) were kept 10 min
121 and 4 min, respectively based on our pilot studies to find out the time required for sub-
122 maximal concentration of these agonists to produce maximal relaxant effect on myometrial
123 spontaneity.
124 The concentration-dependent relaxant response to BRL-37344 was also recorded in
125 the presence of SR 59230A (a specific β3-adrenoceptor antagonist), glybenclamide (a
126 selective KATP channel blocker), iberiotoxin (a selective BKCa channel blocker), tetraethyl
127 ammonium (TEA; a non-specific blocker of BKCa and Kv channels) and 4-aminopyridine (4-
128 AP, a specific blocker of Kv channel). All these selective receptor antagonists or ion channel
129 blockers were incubated for 30 minutes prior to recording the response to agonist(s).
130 2.3 Estimation of c-AMP in myometrial tissues
131 Myometrial strips were incubated in a thermostatically (37 ± 0.5°C) controlled organ
132 bath containing Ringers Locke solution and bubbled continuously with carbogen. Following
133 equilibration, myometrial strips were exposed to 10 µM rolipram to inhibit phosphodiesterase
134 enzyme. After that the myometrial strips were incubated with either BRL 37344 (0.1 µM or
135 10 µM) alone or BRL 37344 (10 µM) in presence of SR 59230A (1 µ M) for 10 min and
136 immediately snap frozen and stored at -80°C until further use. The above concentration of
137 BRL 37344 was selected based on the EC50 and Rmax value of this agonist from our functional
138 experiments. Tissue samples treated similarly in all aspects except exposure to BRL 37344
139 were used to measure basal c-AMP level. The tissue samples from different groups were then
140 homogenized and myometrial c-AMP accumulation was determined using commercially
141 available ELISA kit (BlueGene, Shanghai, China) following manufacturer’s instructions. The
142 proteins contents in tissue homogenates were estimated by Bradford assay kit (Biorad, USA)
143 and c-AMP levels were expressed as pmol/mg protein.
144 2.4 Western blot analysis
145 Uteri were collected in ice-cold phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and the myometrial
146 strips prepared were quickly snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until further
147 use. Uterine membrane proteins were isolated with the help of commercially available native
148 membrane extraction kit (Calbiochem, USA) by following manufacturer’s instructions and
149 the total protein contents were estimated using Bradford assay kit (Biorad, USA).
150 Approximately 80 µg protein samples were loaded in the well after diluting in Laemmli
151 buffer and denatured at 100°C for 3 min in boiling water bath. Proteins were then separated
152 on 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel using mini-protean tetra cell (Biorad, USA) and
153 subsequently transferred onto a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF, 0.45 µm) membranes using
154 semidry transfer apparatus (Biorad, USA) at 10V for 30 min. The Bluelf pre-stained protein
155 ladder (Biochem Life Sciences, USA) was also run along with the samples in the gel to
156 determine the approximate molecular weight of the immunoreactive protein. The membranes
157 were then blocked for 2 h at room temperature in a blocking buffer containing 5% (w/v)
158 skimmed milk powder in TBS (pH 7.4) containing 0.05% Tween 20. After washing, the blots
159 were incubated overnight at 4°C with either goat polyclonal antibody against beta3ADR (sc-
160 1473; 1:200) or Kir 6.1 (sc-11225; 1:500) or maxi K+ channels (sc-14747; 1:500) or rabbit
161 polyclonal antibody against Kv1.1 (sc-25680; 1:500) diluted in TBS containing. The blot was
162 then washed with TBS-T for 3-4 times and incubated for 2 h at room temperature with
163 horseradish peroxidise (HRP) conjugated secondary antibodies viz. bovine anti-goat IgG (sc-
164 2352; for beta3-ADR, Kir6.1 and maxi K+-channels) or goat anti-rabbit (sc-2030; for Kv1.1
165 channels). These secondary antibodies were diluted at 1:500 dilutions in TBS. After three
166 washings with TBS-T for 30 min, membranes were developed using diaminobenzidine
167 (DAB, Sigma) solution and immune-reactive proteins were visualized.
168 2.5 Data analysis
169 The concentration–response curves were constructed by measuring the mean integral
170 tension (MIT) using Labchart pro v 6.1.3 software [32]. Only one tissue was used from each
171 animal and ‘n’ denotes the number of animals for each tension experiment. Isometric
172 developed tension (IDT) or amplitude values were obtained by measuring the mean
173 amplitude of all the contractions recorded over a period of time and frequency of contraction
174 was determined as the mean number of contractile cycles observed during the same period
175 [33]. Amplitude of the tonic contractions was measured from the baseline while phasic
176 contractions were measured by subtracting the average cyclic maxima from the mean integral
177 tension of contractions [34]. EC50 and Rmax (maximum relaxation) values were determined by
178 non linear regression analysis using Graph Pad Prism 4.0 (Graph Pad, La jolla, USA) and pD2
179 value (potency) was calculated as – log of EC50.
180 Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. Multiple mean values were analyzed using
181 two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post hoc test to compare between different
182 treatments while student’s ‘t’ test was used to compare only between the two groups and one-
183 way ANOVA followed by Tukeys post-hoc tests for more than two groups. Statistical
184 comparison of c-AMP level between different groups was done using one-way ANOVA
185 followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test.
186 2.6 Chemicals
187 (±)-(R*,R*)-[4-[2-[[2-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxyethyl]amino]propyl]phenoxy]
188 acetic acid sodium hydrate (BRL37344), terbutaline, 3-(2-Ethylphenoxy)-1-[[(1S)-1,2,3,4-
189 tetrahydronaphth-1-yl]amino]-(2S)-2-propanol oxalate (SR 59230A), isoprenaline,
190 glibenclamide, tetraethyl ammonium (TEA), iberiotoxin and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) were
191 purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). SAR 150640 (ethyl-4-{trans-4-[((2S)-2-hydroxy-3-
192 {4-hydroxy- 3[(methylsulfonyl)amino]-phenoxy}propyl)amino]cyclohexyl}- benzoate
193 hydrochloride was a gift from Sanofi Aventis. All other chemicals were of analytical grade
194 BRL-37344, SAR150640, SR 59230A and glibenclamide were dissolved in DMSO while rest
195 of the chemicals were dissolved in tripled distilled water. The pH of 4-AP was adjusted to 7.4
196 using 0.1N HCl. Further dilutions of the required concentrations were made in freshly
197 prepared RLS on the day of use. The vehicle at its final concentrations did not influence
198 myometrial activity.
199 3. Results
200 3.1 Comparative potency of different beta adrenoceptor agonists on myometrial spontaneity
201 Representative physiographic recordings illustrated in Fig.1A and B show the
202 comparative concentration-dependent inhibitory effects of terbutaline (specific beta2 agonist)
203 and BRL 37344 (specific beta3 agonist) on spontaneity in isolated myometrial strips of non-
204 pregnant buffaloes. The basal mean integral tension (MIT) of myometrial spontaneity was
205 1.95 ± 0.25 g (n=20). As shown in the Table.1, the maximum relaxation (Rmax) induced by all
206 these agonists was almost similar, however, potency of different agonists differed and order
207 of the potency was found to be isoprenaline > albuterol > BRL 37344 > terbutaline> SAR
208 150640. Among the beta3 agonists, BRL 37344 was found to be more potent than SAR
209 150640 (Table1). Therefore further studies to investigate the mechanistic pathway(s) of β3-
210 dependent relaxation in buffalo myometrium were carried out using BRL 37344 only.
211 Comparison of the effect of terbutaline and BRL 37344 on amplitude, frequency and
212 basal tone in myometrial strips of buffaloes revealed that BRL 37344 at higher concentrations
213 significantly reduced the basal tone (Fig.1C), albeit, it was not much altered by terbutaline.
214 Compared to terbutaline, BRL 37344 significantly reduced the amplitude (Fig.1D) and
215 phasicity (Fig. 1E) of myometrial spontaneity, but there was no significant difference
216 between the effect of terbutaline and BRL 37344 on frequency of contraction (Fig. 1F).
217 Effect of SR 59230A on BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation
218 BRL 37344 produced concentration-dependent (0.1 nM to 10 µM) relaxant effect on
219 isolated myometrial strips of buffaloes and the maximum effect (Rmax) was attained at 10 µM
220 concentration (Fig. 1A). As depicted in Fig.2A, in the presence of a specific β3-ADR
221 antagonist SR 59230A (1 µM), the concentration response curve (CRC) of BRL 37344 was
222 significantly (P<0.05) shifted towards right with significant (P<0.05) decrease in both
223 potency (7.22 ± 0.094 vs 5.49 ± 0.22; n=7) and efficacy (98.05 ± 2.52 % vs 57.19 ± 8.25%;
224 n=7) compared to control i.e. the response to BRL 37344 alone.
225 The immunoreactive protein to β3-ADR was detected with approximate molecular weight
226 of 40 kDa in the membrane fraction of buffalo myometrium (Fig. 2B).
227 3.2 Effect of BRL 37344 on c-AMP accumulation in buffalo myometrium
228 As shown in the Fig.3, the basal c-AMP level in myometrial strips of non-pregnant
229 buffaloes was 16.85 ± 3.87 pmol/mg protein (n=4). Although lower concentration (0.1 µM)
230 of BRL 37344 failed to alter basal c-AMP level, but at higher concentration (10 µM), BRL
231 37344 significantly (P<0.05) increased the c-AMP accumulation (37.58 ± 9.52 pmol/mg
232 protein; n=4) in the myometrium. This rise in c-AMP accumulation in the myometrium was
233 significantly reduced to basal level (17.06 ±0.64 pmol/mg protein, n=4) following concurrent
234 exposure to SR 59230A (1 µM) + BRL 37344 (10 µM).
235 3.3 Effect of glibenclamide on BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxatio.n
236 To explore the possible involvement of KATP channel in beta3-induced myometrial
237 relaxation, glibenclamide (10 µM), a selective KATP channel blocker, was used. As shown in
238 Fig.4B, in the presence of glibenclamide (10µM), BRL37344-induced (0.1 nM to 10 µM)
239 relaxant effect was significantly inhibited. In presence of glibenclamide, compared to control,
240 the concentration response curve of BRL 37344 was significantly (P<0.05) shifted towards
241 right (Fig.4C) with decrease in potency (6.76 ±0.09 vs 7.22 ± 0.09; n=7) and efficacy (77.56
242 ± 4.39 vs 98.05 ± 2.52, n=7).
243 Existence to immunoreactive protein to Kir6.1, a regulatory protein of KATP channels,
244 was also detected in the membrane fraction of buffalo myometrium as shown in the
245 immonoblot (Fig.4D) with a molecular weight of 51 kDa.
246 3.4 Effect of tetraethyl ammonium on BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation
247 To explore the possible involvement of BKCa and Kv channels channels in beta3-
248 induced myometrial relaxation,, the relaxant response of BRL 37344 was recorded in
249 presence of tetraethyl ammonium (TEA, 1 mM), a nonspecific blocker of BKCa and Kv
250 channels. Following exposure to TEA, there was immediate change in myometrial
251 spontaneity followed by regaining of normal spontaneity. As shown in Fig.5A, the relaxant
252 effect of BRL 37344 was inhibited in presence of TEA (1mM) and there was significant
253 (P<0.05) rightward shift of the CRC of BRL 37344 with decrease in efficacy (77.03 ± 4.44 vs
254 98.05 ± 2.52; n=7) but without any significant change in potency (7.11 ± 0.10 vs 7.22 ± 0.09;
255 n=7) compared to control.
256 3.5 Effect of iberiotoxin on BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation
257 To assess the involvement of big conductance calcium-dependent potassium channels
258 or maxi potassium channels (BKCa) in regulating BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation,
259 iberiotoxin (100 nM), a specific blocker of BKCa channels, was used. As shown in Fig.5C,
260 following exposure to iberiotoxin, the myometrial spontaneity was changed as evidenced by
261 the change in frequency of myometrial rhythmicity. Further, in the presence of iberiotoxin,
262 BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation was inhibited (Fig.5B) and the CRC of BRL
263 37344 was significantly (P<0.05) shifted towards right (Fig.5C) with decrease in efficacy
264 (84.86 ± 6.09 % vs 98.05 ± 2.52 %) and potency (6.80 ± 0.08 vs 7.22 ± 0.09) compared to
265 control.
266 Existence to immunoreactive protein to α-subunit of BKCa was also detected in the
267 membrane fraction of buffalo myometrium as shown in the immonoblot (Fig.5D) with a
268 molecular weight of 63 kDa.
269 3.6 Effect of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on BRL 37344-induced myometrial relaxation
270 To rule out possible involvement of voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv) in
271 mediating β3-ADR-induced myometrial relaxation, 4-aminopyrdine (4-AP), a Kv channels
272 blocker, was used. Fig. 6A shows the representative physiograph tracings of relaxant effect of
273 BRL 37344 alone and in presence of 4-AP. Following exposure to 4-AP, there was
274 immediate change in the myometrial rhythmicity as evidenced by the increase in amplitude
275 and frequency compared to basal spontaneity. Further as shown in Fig.6B, the CRC of BRL
276 37344 in presence of 4-AP almost overlapped over the CRC of BRL 37344 alone. The pD2
277 and Rmax values of BRL-37344 in the absence and presence of 4-AP were 7.22 ± 0.09 vs 7.43
278 ± 0.13 and 98.05 ± 2.52 % vs 95.10 ± 2.61 %, respectively.
279 Existence to immunoreactive protein to Kv1.1 was also detected in the membrane
280 fraction of buffalo myometrium as shown in the immonoblot (Fig. 6C) with a approximate
281 molecular weight of 57-59 kDa.
282 4. Discussion:
283 The major findings of the present study were i) BRL 37344, a beta3-adrenoceptor (β3-
284 ADR) agonist, produced concentration-dependent relaxant effect in buffalo myometrium
285 which was sensitive to blockade by SR 59230A and dependent on c-AMP production ii) the
286 immunoreactive proteins to β3-ADR was present in the membrane fraction of buffalo
287 myometrium iii) the concentration response curves BRL 37344 were significantly shifted
288 towards right in presence of glibenclamide, tetraethylammonium or iberiotoxin, however, 4-
289 AP failed to exert any significant alterations in BRL 37344-induced tocolytic effect. The
290 pharmacological implications of these findings are discussed hereunder.
291 4.1 Beta3-adrenoceptor (β3-ADR) mediates tocolysis in buffaloes: A functional and molecular
292 evidence
293 Existence of beta3-ADR has been demonstrated in myometrium of rat [14] mouse [15] and
294 human [35, 36, 37, 22]. However, such information is lacking in farm animals including
295 buffaloes. Thus as per our first objective, we investigated the presence of β3-ADR in buffalo
296 myometrium and compared the efficacy and potency of different agonists in inducing
297 myometrial relaxation. Both SAR 150640 and BRL 37344 produced concentration-dependent
298 relaxation with almost equal efficacy (116.63 ± 9.19 % vs 98.05 ± 2.52 %), albeit, BRL
299 37344 was found to be more potent (4.36 ± 0.16 vs 7.22 ± 0.09). The rightward shifts of the
300 CRCs of SAR 150640 and BRL 37344 in the presence of selective β3 antagonist SR 59230A
301 [11] indicates the presence of β3-ADR in buffalo myometrium; and also selectivity of these
302 compounds towards β3-ADR as has also been reported earlier [38, 39, 40]. Presence of
303 protein band of ~40 kDa immunoreactive to β3 antibody in the membrane fraction of
304 myometrium (Fig. 2B) also substantiate our functional study based evidence about the
305 molecular existence of β3-ADR in buffalo mymetrium. Similar molecular weight of
306 immunoreactive protein has also been reported in the myometrium of nonpregnant women
307 [22].
308 The potential role c-AMP as a second messenger in BRL 37344-induced myometrial
309 relaxation in the present study is evident from significant increase in accumulation of c-AMP
310 following exposure to 10 µM BRL 37344. This rise in the c-AMP level was concentration-
311 dependent and selective to β3 activation as the c-AMP accumulation in the myometrium was
312 found to be almost comparable to that with the basal level in the presence of β3 antagonist,
313 SR59230A. Our findings are in agreement with the observations of Deng and co-workers [24]
314 who have also reported that stimulation of β3-ADR resulted in increase in level of cellular c-
315 AMP via activation of Gs protein in mouse brown adipocytes. But contrary to the
316 myometrium, relaxation of rat ileal smooth muscle by β3-ADR was not accompanied by an
317 increase in c-AMP (S.J. Roberts, unpublished data). Again, the stimulation of cyclic AMP by
318 BRL 37344 in isolated adipocytes is limited by coupling of the β3-ADR to Gi [41].
319 Compared to beta3 activation, stimulation of beta2-ADR by albuterol and terbutaline
320 produced more potent tocolytic effects (Table 1) which may be attributed to the differential
321 expression and density of these receptors in this tissue [15]. Although the maximum
322 relaxation produced either by beta3 or beta2-adrenoceptors stimulation was statistically
323 similar (Table.1), but these values are comparatively higher than those reported by Bardou
324 and co-workers [22] in non-pregnant human myometrium (44 ± 5% and 54 ± 8%,
325 respectively) suggesting their potential involvement in producing myometrial relaxation in
326 buffaloes.
327 4.2 Beta3-adrenoceptors are coupled to KATP and BKCa channels to mediate tocolysis
328 Although existence of β3-ADR has been reported in myometrium of some species but
329 involvement of different potassium channels in mediating β3-ADR regulated tocolysis is yet
330 to be established. As BRL 37344 was found to be more potent agonist of β3-ADR compared
331 to SAR 150640 in our study, therefore, we used BRL 37344 to examine the interaction
332 between β3-ADR and different potassium channels to produce tocolytic effect.
333 Potassium channels are widely distributed virtually in all the cell types and are
334 involved in dampening the cellular excitability by maintaining the cell membrane potential
335 close to the reversal potential of K+. Thus the outward K+ current induces hyperpolarization
336 or repolarization and opposes depolarization to occur and thereby reducing the generation of
337 contraction [42]. ATP-sensitive K+-channels (KATP) have been reported to mediate relaxation
338 phase of spontaneous contractility in myometrium [43] and are involved in mediating β-
339 adrenoceptor agonists-induced myometrial relaxation in human [44, 45]. We have also
340 reported earlier that these channels are functionally present in buffalo myometrium and
341 regulate albuterol-induced tocolytic effect [28]. These channels are comprised of an inwardly
342 rectifying K+ channel (Kir) and a modulatory sulphonylurea receptor subunit (SUR)
343 responsible for ATP sensitivity and pharmacological actions [46, 47, 48]. Among others,
344 Kir6.1 seems to be the predominant subunit in the myometrium [49]. In support to our
345 previous report regarding the functional presence of KATP channels [28], here we provide the
346 molecular evidence about the existence of the protein immunoreactive to Kir6.1 in the
347 membrane fraction of myometrium of non-pregnant buffaloes. Significant rightward shift of
348 the CRC of BRL 37344 in the presence of glibenclamide with reduction in both potency and
349 efficacy suggests the potential role of these channels in beta3-mediated uterine relaxation.
350 Since KATP channels appear to be intimately linked to the metabolic state of the cell, further
351 studies are warranted to unravel how these channels are coupled to β3-ADR during different
352 metabolic stages of myometrium.
353 Maxi potassium channels (BKCa) are reported to be richly endowed in uteri of non-
354 pregnant [50] and pregnant women [51, 52], pregnant rat [53], rabbit and pigs [54] and
355 function as negative feedback regulators of the intracellular Ca+2 [55]. Recently, we have also
356 reported the functional presence of BKCa channels and their involvement in β2-mediated
357 tocolysis in buffaloes [28, 31]. Change in the basal tone and frequency of spontaneity
358 following exposure to iberiotoxin observed in the present study (Fig. 5B) further indicates the
359 functional role of maxi potassium channels in regulation of myometrial spontaneity. Though
360 the immunoreactive protein of BKCa channels has already been reported in total protein
361 isolated from buffalo uterus from our laboratory [31], in the present study by refining our
362 isolation procedure of the myometrial protein, we have observed the presence of these
363 proteins in membrane fraction of the uterus, a location which is more logical for its
364 interaction with GPCR. The significant rightward shift of the CRC of BRL 37344 in the
365 presence of TEA (a non-specific BKCa channels blocker) and iberiotoxin (more specific BKCa
366 channels blocker) provide further evidence that BKCa channels regulate β3-ADR-mediated
367 tocolytic effect in buffaloes. Doheny and co-workers [30] have also reported the functional
368 coupling of β3-ADR with BKCa channels in human uterine myocytes. In rat myometrial cells
369 also, the relaxant action of isoproterenol, a non-selective β-ADR agonist which acts on all the
370 three subtypes of β-ADR, is regulated by Ca 2+-dependent K+-channels [51]. Sensitivity of
371 BKCa channels to calcium differs with the stages of myometrium (gravid versus nongravid).
372 Since myometrial BKCa channels are present in the caveolae and clustering of receptors and
373 channels within these signalling structures may be one mechanism for receptor-channel
374 interactions [56], therefore, further studies are warranted on these aspects especially on the
375 uteri of pregnant buffaloes.
376 The finding that, tetraethylammonium significantly shifted the CRC of BRL 37344
377 towards right with decrease in efficacy but without any change in potency also suggests the
378 possibility of involvement of both BKCa and voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels in
379 modulating β3-ADR-dependent relaxation. Thus to rule out the involvement of Kv channels,
380 the relaxant response of β3 agonist was studied in presence of 4-AP, a more specific blocker
381 of Kv channels. The sudden risein the base line, and increase in amplitude and frequency of
382 myometrial spontaneity following blockade of Kv channels by 4-AP (Fig. 6A) suggests their
383 functional role in regulating the spontaneity in myometrial strips of non-pregnant buffaloes.
384 Existence of immunoreactive protein to Kv1.1 in the membrane fraction of buffalo uterus
385 (Fig. 6C) further substantiated the presence of KV channels in buffalo myometrium. Although
386 role of KV channels in regulating the resting membrane potential in uterine myocytes and
387 maintenance of quiescence state has been documented by several researchers [57, 58, 59] but
388 in the present study, the CRC of BRL37344 in the presence of 4-AP overlapped over that of
389 BRL37344 alone. Therefore, it rules out the possible involvement of KV channels in β3-ADR-
390 induced relaxation in buffalo myometrium.
391 Taken together, our functional and molecular study results on isolated myometrial
392 strips of buffaloes evidently reveal the presence of β3-adrenoceptors in buffalo myometrium
393 and these are coupled to KATP and BKCa channels, these together have potential role in
394 regulating myogenic spontaneity and tocolytic effect. However, further, studies are warranted
395 on uteri of pregnant buffaloes to elucidate their functional role in uterine quiescence, foetal-
396 implantation, maintenance of pregnancy, and preterm labour or using these selective
397 receptors or ion channels as specific drug targets.
398 Acknowledgements
399 This research work was supported by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
400 Delhi under Niche Area of Excellence Programme (Grant No. 10 (10)/2012-EPD dated 23rd
401 march 2012) to Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, DUVASU,
402 Mathura, India. Financial assistance by ICAR is thankful acknowledged.
403 Conflict of interest
404 None of the authors have any financial or personal relationships that could
405 inappropriately influence or bias the content of the paper.
406 406
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598 Table 1: Comparative potency (pD2) and efficacy (Rmax) of different beta-adrenoceptor
599 agonists on isolated myometrial strips of non-pregnant buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Agonists pD2 Rmax (%)
Isoprenaline (n=7) 9.14 ± 0.04 96.46 ± 1.18
SAR 150640 (n=6) 4.36 ± 0.16 116. 63 ± 9.19
BRL 37344(n=7) 7.22 ± 0.09* 98.05 ± 2.52
Terbutaline (n=5) 6.21 ± 0.13 97.74 ± 1.30
Albuterol (n=6)# 8.55 ± 0.12 101.10 ± 6.30
600 Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. ‘n’ represents number of animals used for isolation of
601 tissue sample. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test.
602 * P< 0.05 vs SAR 150640.
603 # Choudhury et al., 2010
605 Figure Legends:
607 Fig.1.: Effect of BRL-37344 and terbutaline on isolated myometrial strips from non- 608 pregnant buffaloes. Representative physiograph recordings (1A-B) showing the effect of 609 BRL-37344 (0.1 nM -10 µM) and terbutaline (0.1 nM-10 µM) on myometrial spontaneity. 610 Comparative cumulative concentration response curves (CRCs) showing the effect of BRL- 611 37344 and terbutaline on tonicity (1C), amplitude(1D), phasicity (1E) and frequency (1F), 612 respectively, of myogenic spontaneity on non-pregnant buffalo myometrium. Vertical bars 613 represent SEM. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc 614 tests. *P<0.05 vs BRL 37344 alone.
615 Fig.2.: Comparative cumulative concentration response curves (2A) showing the effect of 616 BRL-37344 in the absence and presence of SR 59230A (1 µM), a β3-adrenoceptor specific 617 antagonist, on isolated myometrial strips from non-pregnant buffaloes. Representative 618 Western Blot image (2B) of beta3-adrenoceptor (β3-ADR) protein (~40kDa) in membrane 619 fraction of uterine homogenates from non-pregnant buffaloes. Vertical bars represent SEM. 620 Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests. *P<0.05 vs 621 BRL 37344 alone. Lane M: marker; Lane L-1: β3-ADR.
622 Fig.3.: Bar diagrams showing the effect of BRL 37344 on c-AMP accumulation in 623 buffalo myometrium. BRL 37344 (10 µM) significantly increased c-AMP accumulation in 624 buffalo myometrium which was reversed to almost basal c-AMP level in the presence of SR 625 59230A (1 µM). Vertical bars represent SEM. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA 626 followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test. * P<0.05 vs basal c-AMP level; 627 #P<0.05 vs BRL 37344 (10 µM) alone.
629 Fig.4.: Role of ATP-sensitive K+-channels (KATP) in mediating BRL-37344-induced 630 myometrial relaxation on non-pregnant buffaloes. Representative physiograph recordings 631 (4A-B) showing the effect of BRL-37344 (0.1 nM -10 µM) in the absence and presence of 632 glibenclamide (10 µM), a specific blocker of KATP channels, on myometrial spontaneity. 633 Comparative cumulative concentration response curves (4C) showing the effect of BRL- 634 37344 in the absence and presence of glibenclamide (10 µM) on myometrial spontaneity. 635 Representative Western Blot image (4D) of Kir6.1 regulatory subunit of KATP channels 636 protein (~51kDa) in membrane fraction of uterine homogenates from non-pregnant buffaloes. 637 Vertical bars represent SEM. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by 638 Bonferroni post-hoc tests. *P<0.05 vs BRL 37344 alone. Lane M: marker; Lane NP: Non- 639 pregnant.
640 Fig.5.: Role of maxi-potassium channels (BKCa) in mediating BRL-37344-induced 641 myometrial relaxation on non-pregnant buffaloes. Comparative cumulative concentration 642 response curves showing the effect of BRL-37344 in the absence and presence of tetraethyl 643 ammonium (TEA: 1mM), a non-specific blocker of BKCa and Kv channels (5A) and 644 iberiotoxin (100 nM), a specific blocker of BKCa channels (5C), on myometrial spontaneity. 645 Representative physiograph recordings (5B) showing the effect of BRL-37344 (0.1 nM -10 646 µM) in the presence of iberiotoxin (100 nM) on myometrial spontaneity. Representative 647 Western Blot image (5D) of α-subunit of BKCa channels protein (~63kDa) in membrane
648 fraction of uterine homogenates from non-pregnant buffaloes. Vertical bars represent SEM. 649 Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests. *P<0.05 vs 650 BRL 37344 alone. Lane M: marker; Lane NP: Non-pregnant.
651 Fig.6.: Role of voltage gated K+-channels (KV) in mediating BRL-37344-induced 652 myometrial relaxation on non-pregnant buffaloes. Representative physiograph recordings 653 (6A) showing the effect of BRL-37344 (0.1 nM -10 µM) in the presence of 4-aminopyridine 654 (4-AP; 1mM), a specific blocker of KV channels, on myometrial spontaneity. Comparative 655 cumulative concentration response curves (6B) showing the effect of BRL-37344 in the 656 absence and presence of 4-AP (1 mM) on myometrial spontaneity. Representative Western 657 Blot image (6C) of KV1.1 channels protein (~57-59 kDa) in membrane fraction of uterine 658 homogenates from non-pregnant buffaloes. Vertical bars represent SEM. Data SR59230A were analyzed 659 by two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests. *P<0.05 vs BRL 37344 alone. 660 Lane M: marker; Lane NP: Non-pregnant.