Clinicians should remember that participants were recruited from

Clinicians should remember that participants were recruited from the general community when interpreting our results. However, we are unaware of any data showing that treatment effects differ when samples with the same enrolment criteria are recruited from the general community rather than the clinic. Because advice to remain active was the control condition, it is unclear

whether observed AZD8055 datasheet benefits of neural tissue management reflect non-specific effects due to interacting with a physiotherapist or participants’ expectations, effects specific to neural tissue management, or to some combination. While discriminating non-specific from specific treatment effects is deemed important, establishing that neural tissue management can change the natural history of nerve-related neck and arm pain was a necessary prerequisite (Bialosky et al 2011). Assuming that a credible comparison intervention can be developed Z-VAD-FMK cost to measure non-specific effects accurately, future research should try to quantify the relative contributions that non-specific and specific effects make to the benefits of neural tissue management. Future research should also determine whether neural tissue management provides benefits in the longer term. eAddenda: Table 3 available at Ethics: The University

of Queensland Medical Research Ethics Committee approved this study. All participants gave written informed consent before data collection began Competing interests: The authors have no competing interests Support: This trial was funded internally by the Neuropathic Pain Research Group, School of Health and

Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia. The funding source had no role in designing the study, collecting or analysing the data, or in reporting the results. Robert Dichloromethane dehalogenase Nee is funded by an Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship from the Australian Government and a Research Scholarship from The University of Queensland, Australia Acknowledgements: The authors thank the participants and physiotherapists involved in this trial, and Benjamin Soon Tze Chin and Lieszel Melo for assistance with randomisation “
“Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-shortening genetic disease in Caucasians. In Australia, 3200 people have cystic fibrosis, of whom half are adults (Bell et al 2011). People with cystic fibrosis have dehydration of the airway surface, which impairs the clearance of normal airway secretions by cough and mucociliary clearance (Boucher 2007). This causes chronic lung infection with recurrent exacerbations, progressive lung damage, and eventual respiratory failure. Airway clearance techniques, inhaled medications, and exercise are frequently used to promote mucus clearance in an attempt to slow the progression of infection and lung damage (Bye and Elkins 2007, Dwyer et al 2011, Kuys et al 2011, Pryor and Prasad 2008).

The introduction of RV-A vaccination was followed by a reduction

The introduction of RV-A vaccination was followed by a reduction in child hospitalization due to all causes of AD in Brazil, El Salvador and Mexico ranging from 17 to 51% [21], [22] and [23] and a reduction see more in mortality from AD in children under 5 years in Brazil of 22% and in Mexico of 41% [24]. This study will evaluate the overall effectiveness of the oral monovalent vaccine, used in routine health services, in preventing Brazilian child hospitalization with RV-A AD. It will also evaluate

overall and genotype-specific VE by time since second dose vaccination (up to two years), and genotype-specific VE. This was a hospital based case–control study, frequency-matched by sex and age group. Hospitals were general hospitals which received children with

a large range of diseases coming from a similar geographical catchment area. Seventeen of the hospitals enrolled in the RV-A AD National Surveillance System were invited to participate in the study, based on having had a large number of RV-A positive samples in 2007, adequate level of organization of the unit and data accessibility. After consultation Hedgehog antagonist and agreement on logistical arrangements with the Federal Health Surveillance (SVS/MS), the epidemiological surveillance of the hospitals and of the states, the Central Public Health and National Reference Laboratories, 10 hospitals located in five macro-regions of Brazil (6 state capital cities and 4 municipalities) were selected. Children were eligible

to participate in the study if they were admitted in the study hospitals, were aged 4 to 24 months (and therefore old enough to have received their second dose of rotavirus vaccine) and did not have diarrhea up to three weeks before admission or during hospitalization. All eligible children were listed and screened to exclude children who had any health condition presumed to reduce vaccine effectiveness (immunodeficiency, gastrointestinal disease (e.g. diverticulitis), malformations or neoplasm conditions related to vaccine effectiveness, general signs and symptoms, infectious and parasitic diseases), those who had received the second dose of vaccine in the 15 days before hospitalization, or whose vaccination did not follow the BNIP schedule. All that mafosfamide fulfilled the specific criteria for either effective’s case or control were included. This aimed to select controls from the population that produced the cases, as cases hospitalized by AD or by other diseases were likely to come from the same population given the universal health care system in Brazil. Inclusion criteria for potential cases were: admission with AD (defined as three or more liquid stools in 24 h, up to 14 days before admission), stool sample was collected until 48 h after admission and positive for RV-A and stay in hospital for at least 24 h. Children were included in the study in the first hospitalization only and had no associate disease.

These discrepancies (6% of the items served), however, appeared t

These discrepancies (6% of the items served), however, appeared to be minimal. Finally, because our plate waste assessment was limited to middle school students in LAUSD, our findings may not generalize to other student populations within the District

or elsewhere in the U.S. Taken together, the study findings and limitations support the need to further assess the collective impacts of these and other school-based healthy food procurement practices on health, including collecting more information on downstream outcomes such as body mass index. Given that children consume a substantial amount of their daily nutrients in school, school-based interventions to increase find more access to healthier food options are an important component of a comprehensive strategy for improving childhood nutrition. In order to ensure the effectiveness of such practices, students need to have opportunities to become receptive to menu changes and consume the healthy food being offered

and served. While institutional policies to increase access to a wider range of healthy food choices are a critical first step toward achieving this, simply offering these options may not be sufficient. More research and evaluation of complementary interventions to increase consumption of healthier foods are needed to help guide these and other institutional policy and practice decisions. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. The authors thank the evaluation teams at WestEd, including project leads Barbara Dietsch, Tolmetin PhD and Sara Griego, MS, and at the Division selleck of Cancer Prevention and Control Research in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, including Tammy Liu, MPH, for their contributions to the collection of the plate waste data. The analysis was conducted as part of program assessment activities at the Los Angeles County Department

of Public Health, with partial support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Cooperative Agreement No. 1U58DP002485-01. William J. McCarthy was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grant No. 1P50HL105188 during the project. The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the organizations mentioned in the text. Users of this document should be aware that every funding source has different requirements governing the appropriate use of funding. Under the U.S. law, no Federal funds are permitted to be used for lobbying or to influence, directly or indirectly, specific pieces of pending or proposed legislation at the federal, state, or local level. Organizations should consult appropriate legal counsel to ensure compliance with all rules, regulations, and restriction of any funding sources.

This experiment was conducted concurrently to inoculation with th

This experiment was conducted concurrently to inoculation with the same dose of virus produced in the C6/36 insect cells. All animals inoculated with the insect cells derived virus developed viremia at 1 and 2 dpi supported by viral RNA detection (group S-C, Fig. 1). Subsequently, a dose of 107 PFU/animal was tested, again with both, mammalian (group S-D) or insect Stem Cell Compound Library research buy (group S-E) cells produced RVFV. At this dose, the Vero E6 inoculum appeared

to be even less effective than the 105 PFU dose based on detection of infectious virus, although RNA detection in the serum was higher and of longer duration (Fig. 1, S-B versus S-D). The most effective infection was achieved by subcutaneous inoculation with 107 PFU of C6/36 cells produced virus (group S-E), regardless whether the animals were re-inoculated subcutaneously with the same dose or not MLN0128 (Fig. 1, S-E and S-F). Virus isolation was successful from serum of all inoculated animals at 2, 3 and 4 dpi. Intravenous re-inoculation at 1 dpi appeared to shorten the viremia (Group S-G, Fig. 1). The S-E model was chosen as a challenge control for efficacy testing of vaccine candidates [24]. Since the RVFV used in the challenge were the aliquots of the same virus stock used for this study, we have added in Fig.

2 the results from the four challenge control animals to the group to make it statistically stronger (n = 8; Fig. 2A). In order to be able to perform at least minimal statistical comparison of the inoculation approaches we have grouped animals inoculated with the Vero E6 produced virus into one group (n = 16), and the animals inoculated with the C6/36 produced virus into a second group (n = 20). Viremia was significantly higher in lambs inoculated with the insect cells produced virus at days 1 and 2 post inoculation (P = 0.03 and P = 0.01, respectively) ( Fig. 2B). Correspondingly, the RVFV RNA levels in serum were also higher in the insect cell virus inoculated animals (days 1 and 2 post inoculation;

P = 0.004 and P = 0.01 respectively) ( Fig. 2C). Several inoculation approaches lead to development of viremia in all inoculated Alpine-Boer cross goats, although goats were in general less sensitive to RVFV infection then the sheep based on infectious virus titers and duration of the viremia. Subcutaneous inoculation with Vero cells-produced virus lead to development of viremia either STK38 at 2 or 3 dpi (groups G-A and G-E) or between 1 and 3 dpi (groups G-C) (Fig. 3) with maximum duration of two days. Interestingly, the low dose of Vero-cell produced virus caused viremia a day later compared to all other inoculation approaches (groups G-A and G-E)(Fig. 3). Inoculation with the 107 PFU of C6/36-produced virus (groups G-D and G-G) lead to development of viremia in all animals at the same day (1 dpi), making it easier to evaluate (Fig. 3). One goat in group G-C died suddenly between 1 and 2 dpi without apparent clinical signs, and without increase in rectal temperature (at 1 dpi, the temperature was 39.4 °C).

09, chi2 = 5 78, df = 2, p = 0 06, I2 = 65%) When the study by A

09, chi2 = 5.78, df = 2, p = 0.06, I2 = 65%). When the study by Ahmed and colleagues 39 was excluded from analysis (not shown in Figure 8), however, the heterogeneity reduced to moderate (Tau2 = 0.04, chi2 = 2.10, df = 1, p = 0.15, I2 = 52%). That study may have varied due to the

absence of methodological features to control bias, which included allocation concealment, blinding and attrition. Overall findings of this review revealed that supervised weight-training Romidepsin in vitro exercise does not increase the risk or severity of BCRL and it improves muscle strength of the limbs, as well as physical components of quality of life. These findings are similar to the conclusions of recent reviews,18 and 19 although the present review additionally provides the statistical pooling of data, which is generally considered to be more precise.48 The finding that weight training does not increase the risk or severity of BCRL is very relevant to physiotherapists managing women with BCRL, because weight training has many physical, psychological and clinical benefits. This finding does contradict some other studies. For example, the lymphatic function study by Lane and colleagues17 showed increased lymphoedema with exercise training,

but this study was not a prospective clinical trial. Participants in all trials used pressure garments and received supervision, and no trials GS-7340 chemical structure used high-intensity weight training. Pressure garments, supervision and limiting the intensity of the weight training may each be important, but the present review could not confirm this. Previous reviews18 and 19 suggested that supervision may not only help in learning the exercise program appropriately, but also in alleviating the fear of developing BCRL among women. Overall, muscle strength improved significantly more with weight training than the control.

Furthermore, this improvement was significant even when the control groups did aerobic exercise.26 According to the theoretical assumptions of included studies, weight training may provide adequate strength to protect the arm from accidental injuries Electron transport chain by reducing the relative stress of daily activities.21 Another important finding is that weight training improved muscle strength irrespective of adjuvant treatment status.26 A review by Cheema and colleagues4 suggested that upper body function and strength are of the utmost importance in breast cancer survivors post-surgery. Improved arm strength might give women a sense of control over their daily activities and prevent a spiral of disuse atrophy and associated impairments. Although a recent meta-analysis showed a significant reduction in body mass index as a result of physical activity intervention in people with breast cancer,49 the pooled effect in the present review was inconclusive. This lack of effect may be due to the low intensity of the exercise interventions delivered in these studies, which may need a prolonged period of training to be effective.

The gene products were ligated to the pGEMT-easy vector (Promega)

The gene products were ligated to the pGEMT-easy vector (Promega), and the sequences were confirmed by DNA sequencing. The pGEMTeasy-pspA constructs were digested with the appropriate restriction endonucleases

and the resulting fragments were ligated to the linearized pAE-6xHis vector [24]. Competent E. coli BL21(DE3) (Invitrogen) were transformed with the pAE-6xHis vectors containing the pspA gene fragments. Protein expression was induced in the mid-log-phase cultures by 1 mM IPTG (Sigma). The recombinant proteins, bearing an N-terminal histidine tag, were purified BMN 673 solubility dmso from the soluble fraction through affinity chromatography with Ni2+ charged chelating Sepharose resin (HisTrap Chelating HP; GE HealthCare)

in an Akta Prime apparatus (GE HealthCare). Elution was carried out with 500 mM imidazole. The purified Everolimus supplier fractions were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), dialyzed against 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8) – 20 mM NaCl, and stored at −20 °C. All strains used in this study are described in Table 1. Pneumococci were maintained as frozen stocks (−80 °C) in Todd-Hewitt broth supplemented with 0.5% yeast extract (THY) with 10% glycerol. In each experiment, the isolates were plated on blood agar prior to growth in THY. Female BALB/c mice from Instituto Butantan (São Paulo, Brazil) were immunized intraperitoneally with 5 μg of recombinant PspA derivatives in saline solution 0.9% with 50 μg of Al(OH)3 as adjuvant (500 μl per mouse). The adjuvant alone was used as a control. The animals were given three doses of protein at 7-day intervals. Sera were collected from mice at 14 and 21 days by retro-orbital bleeding. The antibody titers were examined by ELISA [21]. Cross-reactivity of anti-PspA antibodies was analyzed by immunoblot. those S. pneumoniae

strains were grown in 50 ml of THY to mid- to late-log phase. Bacteria were harvested by centrifugation and the pellets were washed 3× in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), suspended in 1 ml of 2% choline chloride (Sigma) in PBS (pH 7.0), incubated for 10 min at room temperature and centrifuged to recover the eluates [25]. Choline extracts (2 μg) from pneumococcal strains bearing PspAs of clades 1 and 2 were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes (GE Healthcare). Pooled anti-PspA sera (six mice per group) generated against the recombinant PspA fragments of clades 1 and 2 were added at a dilution of 1:1000 (sera collected after the second immunization), followed by incubation with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (diluted 1:1000; Sigma). Detection was performed with an ECL kit (GE Healthcare). S. pneumoniae strains ( Table 1) were grown in THY to a concentration of 108 CFU/ml (optical density of 0.4–0.5) and harvested by centrifugation at 2000 × g for 3 min.

The final volume was made up with screened drug-free K2EDTA human

The final volume was made up with screened drug-free K2EDTA human plasma and mixed thoroughly for 5 min to achieve the desired concentration of calibration curve standards.

The final calibration standard concentrations were 0.0 (Blank; no pyrazinamide added), 1.02, 2.04, 4.29, 7.96, 14.09, 28.18, 45.33 and 50.23 μg/ml. Each of these standard solutions was distributed into disposable polypropylene micro centrifuge tubes (2.0 ml, eppendorf) in volume of 0.7 ml and the tubes were stored at −70 °C until analysis. Similarly quality control samples were prepared in plasma such that the final concentrations were 1.03, 2.94, 24.50, 37.36 μg/ml respectively and labeled as lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), low quality control (LQC), median quality control (MQC) and high quality control (HQC) respectively. The extraction of the plasma samples involved selleck chemical liquid–liquid extraction process. For processing, learn more the stored spiked samples were withdrawn from the freezer and allowed to thaw at room temperature. An aliquot of 500 μl was then transferred to

prelabeled 2.0 ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes. Internal standard dilution, 25 μl (200 μg/ml) was then added and mixed. Extraction solvent, 1.2 ml, was then added to extract the drug and internal standard. The samples were then kept on a reciprocating shaker and allowed to mix for 20 min. Samples were then centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min at 4 °C. Supernatant solution, 1 ml, was then transferred into prelabeled polypropylene tubes and was allowed to evaporate to dryness

under nitrogen at constant temperature of 40 °C. The dried residue was then dissolved in 200 μl of mobile phase and transferred into shell vials and containing vial inserts for analysis. Samples, 20 μl by volume, were then injected into the system for analysis. The auto sampler temperature was maintained at 4 °C throughout analysis. The column temperature oven was maintained at ambient temperature. The initial assay was fully validated for PZA analysis in human plasma according to FDA guideline.12 The selectivity of the method was evaluated by analyzing six independent drug-free K2EDTA human plasma samples with reference to potential interferences from endogenous and environmental out constituents. Fresh calibration standards were extracted and assayed as described above on three different days and in duplicate. Inter-day and intra-day accuracy and precision were evaluated by analysis of QCs at four levels (LLOQ, LQC, MQC and HQC; n = 6 at each level). Auto sampler, and freeze–thaw stability of PZA was determined at low and high QC concentrations. Following sample treatment/storage conditions, the PZA concentrations were analyzed in triplicates and compared to the control sample that had been stored at −50 °C.

Quatre-vingt-treize pour cent des patients infectés par


Quatre-vingt-treize pour cent des patients infectés par

le VIH et atteints de diabète ont un virus contrôlé alors que l’équilibre du diabète est obtenu pour 22 % d’entre-eux. “
“Le niveau de maîtrise de l’anglais d’étudiants français est inférieur à celui d’autres populations de l’union européenne. Une obligation de certification en langue pour les étudiants en médecine permet tous les étudiants d’atteindre le niveau B1 du Venetoclax research buy cadre descripteur de l’Union européenne. “
“Determination of the appropriate therapy for bloodstream infections is one of the most common difficulties encountered by physicians in clinical practice. A systematic evaluation of positive blood cultures could usefully be performed by a single infectious disease physician using a computer-generated alert, in addition to the early report of microbiological information by the laboratory. “
“Un moins bon état de santé et une espérance de vie réduite des personnes avec un faible niveau socioéconomique ont été observés. Les

bénéficiaires de la CMUC de moins de 60 ans ont une surmortalité globale (3,32/1000 vs 1,36/1000 pour les non bénéficiaires), chez les hommes comme chez les femmes, et pour l’ensemble des groupes d’âge retenus. “
“Il y a 26 ans, la prévalence de l’hypertension artérielle était plus élevée en milieu rural congolais qu’en milieu urbain (30,0 % vs 16,7 %), le déterminant majeur ayant été l’âge avancé pour le milieu rural. L’épidémiologie des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire dans une région de l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo en période post-conflit. “
“- La prostatectomie radicale all est une Galunisertib research buy des options thérapeutiques validées dans le traitement du carcinome de prostate cliniquement localisé. – Un apprentissage rapide de la technique robotique avec de bons résultats dès les premiers cas réalisés. “
“Le diagnostic du cancer du sein chez l’homme est tardif. Les lésions cutanées au cours du cancer du sein chez l’homme peuvent constituer le principal motif de consultation. À ce stade, le diagnostic est tardif et le pronostic

est péjoratif. “
“L’ostéoporose de l’homme est une pathologie fréquente. Il confirme la rentabilité d’une enquête étiologique exhaustive dans une très large cohorte d’hommes dont la densité osseuse est abaissée. “
“Dans l’article « Infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine et diabète : vécu et qualité de vie des patients confrontés à deux maladies chroniques » paru dans le numéro d’octobre 2011 de La Presse Médicale, la première phrase de l’article était erronée. En effet, il fallait lire : « L’infection par le VIH s’ajoute aux maladies chroniques qui touchent 15 millions de Français ». Nous prions les auteurs et nos lecteurs de nous excuser pour cette regrettable erreur. “
“La borréliose de Lyme existe en France et elle est endémique en Alsace. La borréliose de Lyme de l’enfant existe en France.

Self-reported incidences of clinically diagnosed genital warts co

Self-reported incidences of clinically diagnosed genital warts confirm that these are common in both women and men. Ever having had clinically diagnosed genital warts was reported by 10.6% of almost 70,000 Nordic women aged 18 to 45 years in 2005 and by 7.9% of almost 23,000 Danish Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Library men in the same age category in 2007 [9] and [10]. In 2000, in the UK, 4.1% of women and 3.6% of men aged 16–44 years reported ever being diagnosed with genital warts [11].

In the United States (1999–2004, age category 18–59) and Australia (2001–2002, age category 16–59), the cumulative incidence was 7.2% and 4.4% among women, respectively, and 4.0% among men [12] and [13]. Human papillomaviruses are small non-enveloped DNA learn more viruses that belong to the Papovaviridae family. The viral capsid is composed of two proteins: the major L1 and minor L2 proteins. There are 170 different HPV types identified, 40 of which infect the genital tract [14]. These mucosal HPV types

are classified as low-risk (LR) and high-risk (HR) types based on the prevalence ratio in cervical cancer and its precursors. LR-HPV types, such as 6 and 11, induce benign lesions with minimal risk of progression to malignancy, HR-HPV have higher oncogenic potential. Approximately 99% of cervical cancers contain HPV DNA of HR-HPV types, with type HPV16 being the most prevalent, followed by types 18, 31, 33, and 45 [15]. Most HPV infections are transient and are spontaneously cleared or suppressed by the host immune response. It is unclear whether these infections resolve by complete viral clearance or by maintenance of a latent phase in the basal cells of the epithelium, in which the virus replicates at extreme low levels without full viral expression [16]. Infections that are not cleared at an early Bay 11-7085 stage progress towards premalignant squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), histopathologically referred to as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Low-grade lesions, LSIL (cytological classification) or CIN1 (histological classification), represent a chronic HPV infection in which HPV DNA is episomal and intact virion production

and shedding occurs (both by high-risk HPV as well as low-risk HPV, e.g. HPV11). Lesions are frequently cleared by the immune system, however, some lesions do not spontaneously regress and can persist for a long period. Viral persistence within the host cells is an uncommon event that is necessary for progression to malignancy. Clonal progression of the persistently infected epithelium can lead to high-grade lesions (HSIL or CIN2-3), which in turn can progress towards invasive disease [16]. The progression towards high-grade disease (HSIL/CIN3) is often with a different strain of HPV and not necessarily a progression of low-grade disease. HIV infected women have a higher prevalence of HPV infection and are often infected with multiple HPV types.

The results showed that doubling the initial concentrations of la

The results showed that doubling the initial concentrations of lactate and amino acids in Series C assays did not promote any inhibitory effect in either growth or OMV production (Fig. 1a–d). On the contrary, it stimulated cell growth and OMV production. Vandetanib chemical structure It is possible to speculate about the substrate storage capacity of cells. However, considering the severe iron restriction imposed on cultivation experiments, a hypothesis could be related with the larger residual quantities of iron present on doubling

the initial lactate and amino acids concentrations in Series C experiments. If this limit on iron is less severe, small additional residual iron quantities could be used to stimulate cell growth kinetics and improve OMV production without compromising the appropriate protein pattern. This hypothesis is proposed to be studied in future experiments in order to further learn more enhance Catlin medium composition.

The growth of N. meningitidis requires pyruvate, or lactate, or glucose as the sole source of carbon [31]. As far as lactic acid consumption is concerned, there are three lactate-dehydrogenases (LDHs) responsible for the exclusive uptake of this carbon source. In the presence of NAD+, the pyruvic acid produced by lactic acid oxidation is then used for gluconeogenesis, which is stimulated by lactic acid but inhibited by glucose. These three LDHs are also involved in bacteria virulence determinants [38]. In addition, an NMR and enzymatic study about carbon metabolism in N. meningitidis has shown that consumption of glucose, lactic acid and, especially, pyruvic acid, results in the excretion of significant amounts of acetic acid, via the phosphotransacetylase Mephenoxalone (PTA) acetate kinase (ACK) pathway [39]. Thus, the employ of lactate, which uptake is dependent to the LDHs activity and less associated to acetic acid formation, is most suitable for the culture of the Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B aiming at production of OMV for antigen vaccine. The OMV were

released after the stationary phase beginning and, in almost assays, when all the lactate has been consumed ( Fig. 1b and c). The preferential use of lactate as a carbon source agrees with the report of Tettelin et al. [40], who described the degradation of lactate by N. meningitidis B, its genome, and its functions. In addition, according to Pollard and Frasch [41] limiting the iron ion in Catlin medium is necessary to express the iron-regulated proteins (IRP). In all experiments, the OMV released contained IRP (Fig. 3) and NadA, a high molecular weight protein. The antigenic function of this protein was studied [8] and [42]; its presence could be considered a suitable complementary characteristic among the antigen properties needed for vaccine production.