Under these conditions, the plating efficiency (PE) for the HTB140 cells was 62 ± 7.3%, while the doubling time (Td) evaluated from the growth curve was 24 ± 2.7 h. Irradiation BIRB 796 order Conditions The exponentially growing cells were irradiated within the CUDC-907 ic50 spread out Bragg peak (SOBP) of the 62 MeV proton beam at the CATANA (Centro di Adro Terapia e Applicazzioni Nucleari Avanzati) treatment facility. The applied doses were 12 or 16 Gy at the dose rate of 15 Gy/min. These are the doses commonly used in proton therapy. The irradiation position in the middle of SOBP was obtained by interposing 16.3
mm thick Perspex plate (Polymethyl methacrylate – PMMA) between the final collimator and the cell monolayer. The obtained relative dose was 99.42 ± 0.58%, having the mean energy of protons of 34.88 ± 2.15 MeV. The reference dosimetry was performed using plane-parallel PTW 34045 Markus ionization chamber which was calibrated
https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sgc-cbp30.html according to the IAEA code of practice [13, 14]. All irradiations were carried out in air at room temperature. Described irradiation conditions were the same for single irradiations and combined treatments of irradiation and drugs. The biological assays that follow were performed 7 days after each irradiation. Chemotherapeutic Drug Treatments The chemotherapeutic drugs used were fotemustine (FM, Ital Farmaco S.p.A., Milano, Italy) or dacarbazine (DTIC, Aventis Pharma S.p.A., Milano, Italy). Stock solutions of the drugs made for this study were prepared
according to the manufacturer’s instructions: 10 mM FM diluted in 43.3% ethanol and 10 mM DTIC diluted in water. In a previous study a wide range of FM or DTIC concentrations and incubation periods were investigated [10]. It has been shown that the concentrations of 100 and 250 μM, after the incubation period of three days, produced the cell inactivation level Pregnenolone of about 50%. Based on the obtained results, in the experimental setup described here, these values were used as relevant for the single drug and the combined radiation and drug effects. For the single drug treatments cells were seeded at a suitable number into 25-cm2 plastic tissue culture flasks or on 96-well plates, depending on the biological assay to be used. After 24 h the cells were treated with drugs (100 or 250 μM) without replating and all biological assays were performed 72 h later. In the treatment combining proton irradiation and drugs, after being irradiated exponentially growing cells were detached by trypsinization (1.98% trypsin/0.02% EDTA in PBS), replated appropriately for each biological assay and incubated for 4 days under standard conditions (37°C, 5% CO2). Then the culture medium was replaced with the fresh medium containing drugs (100 or 250 μM) and the cells were incubated for additional 72 h. In this way the biological assays were carried out after the incubation period of 7 days after irradiation.