The proportion of Black

(4 3%

The proportion of Black

(4.3% Dolutegravir nmr vs. 3.3%) and Asian (7.0% vs. 7.5%) groups were comparable to national averages (Office for National Statistics, 2012). On average, respondents anticipated making between two and three lifestyle changes following their visit, of which weight control, diet, physical activity and increasing awareness of cancer symptoms were the most common. Alcohol consumption was a noticeably difficult behaviour to influence. On average, respondents anticipated making use of between none and one local health services following their visit, with smoking cessation or visiting the GP the most popular. Particularly high levels of intentions to make lifestyle changes and/or use local health services were noted among smokers, ethnic minorities and lower socioeconomic groups. Considering that the majority of individuals act on their intentions (Sheeran, 2002), these findings suggest the Roadshow may be a useful channel through which to encourage behaviour change. However, the absence of a comparison group that BYL719 cost did not attend the Roadshow limits the extent to which the initiative can be considered responsible for the high levels of intentions reported.

The study was also limited by self-reported data that assessed anticipated rather than actual behaviour change. It is possible that the sample were more motivated to find out about cancer than the general population as they not only attended the Roadshow, but also agreed to complete a questionnaire. These preliminary data do however provide support for the development of a larger and more in-depth evaluation of the Roadshow. This may PAK6 help to further demonstrate the value of community-based initiatives in improving cancer control behaviours among ‘hard to reach’ groups (Alcaraz et al., 2011 and Foster et al., 2010). Smith was funded by Cancer Research UK as

an academic advisor on this project. The work was initiated by Cancer Research UK, analysed by Smith and interpreted and verified by all authors. Rendell, George and Power are employed by Cancer Research UK and Power has an honorary research contract at UCL. Cancer Research UK is a Market Research Society company partner and all research is carried out according to the MRS Code of Conduct. This study used anonymised records and datasets available from the Cancer Awareness Roadshow team at Cancer Research UK who had already acquired appropriate permissions from Roadshow visitors. This study was funded by Cancer Research UK. Thanks to Ronan Keating and the Marie Keating Foundation who worked in partnership with Cancer Research UK to launch the Cancer Awareness Roadshow in 2006, and who have funded up to three mobile units over the last seven years. Thanks also to Deloitte for their financial support of the Roadshow in 2009. “
“The authors regret that in the author line, James Heffelfinger’s name was listed incorrectly. The correct spelling appears above.

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