The intra-day precision (%RSD) was assessed by analysing standard

The intra-day precision (%RSD) was assessed by analysing standard drug solutions within the calibration range, three times on the

same day. Inter-day precision (%RSD) was assessed by analysing drug solutions within the calibration range on three different days over a period of a week. In order to determine detection and quantification limit, concentrations in the lower part of the linear range of the calibration curve were used. Stock solution of TDF and ETB this website was prepared and different volume of stock solution in the range 150–300 ng for TDF and 100–200 ng for ETB were spotted in triplicate. The amount of both the drugs by spot versus average response (peak area) was graphed and the equation for this was determined. The standard deviations (S.D.) of responses were calculated. The average of standard deviations was calculated (A.S.D.). Detection limit was calculated by (3.3 × A.S.D.)/b and quantification limit was calculated by (10 × A.S.D.)/b, where “b” corresponds to the slope obtained in the linearity study of method. Specificity of the method was ascertained by analysing standard drug and sample. The mobile phase resolved both the drugs very efficiently, as shown in (Fig. 2). The spot for TDF and ETB was confirmed by comparing the Rf and spectra of the spot with that of standard. The peak

5-FU purity of TDF and ETB was assessed by comparing the spectra at three different levels, i.e. peak start (S), peak apex (M) and peak end (E) positions of the spot. Recovery study was carried out by over spotting 80%, 100% and

120% of the standard drug solution of TDF and ETB and the mixtures were reanalysed by the proposed method. The experiment was conducted in triplicate. This was done to check the recovery of the drug about at different levels in formulation. Robustness was studied in six replicate at the concentration level of 450 ng/spot for TDF and 300 ng/spot for ETB. In this study, seven parameters (mobile phase composition, mobile phase volume, development distance, relative humidity, duration of saturation, time from spotting to chromatography and chromatography to spotting) were studied and the effects on the results were examined. The ruggedness of the proposed method was evaluated by two different analysts. To determine the content of TDF and ETB simultaneously in conventional tablets (label claim 300 mg TDF and 200 mg ETB); twenty tablets were accurately weighed, average weight determined and ground to a fine powder. A quantity of powder equivalent to 150 mg TDF and 100 mg of ETB was transferred into 100 ml volumetric flask containing 50 ml methanol, sonicated for 30 min and diluted to mark with same solvent. The resulting solution was filtered using 0.45 μm filter (Millifilter, MA). 0.4 μL of the above solution applied on TLC plate followed by development and scanning as described in Section 2.2.

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