The considerable decline in the prevalence and severity of dental caries following implementation of preventive strategies in the Scandinavian countries supports the application of a preventive approach[21-23]. One of the requirements for the success of oral health promotion strategies is the availability of knowledgeable and prevention-oriented health service practitioners who serve individuals and groups in need of dental care, including children[24]. Because of the great influence of such a workforce on community health, promoting social responsibility and ethical
Rapamycin practices of care givers has been emphasized by WHO as an objective for the year 2020[19]. The population of Nigeria is about 141 million, with an annual growth rate of 1.5%. The country is divided into six geopolitical zones, 36 states with a Federal Capital Territory, and 774 local government areas, with approximately 40.0% of the population living in urban areas. About 41.8% of the entire population
is 14 years and younger, making Nigeria one of the nations with a large population of young ones[25]. Providing preventive healthcare services for this teeming young population is therefore essential. This is more so that a number of authors have recommended greater focus on oral health promotion programmes for children based selleck screening library on the recently developed concepts of preventive Selleckchem Rucaparib oral care[26, 27]. For children, preventive oral health care will need to be implemented through both clinical care and community-based (school) intervention programmes. Such programmes certainly require a prevention-oriented dental workforce[28]. It is
therefore important to understand the preventive oral health practice of school educators and dental students as they are critical to the implementation of preventive dentistry. It is also equally important to identify how the preventive needs of children can be addressed by the dental workforce in training in the various dental schools in Nigeria. This study therefore aims to identify the determinants of caries prevention-oriented practice for children among final-year dental students in Nigeria. Possible determinant factors this study explored are age, gender, knowledge of caries prevention measures, and self-perceived competency in providing caries-preventive care for children. This report is part of a larger study. The methodology for the study was adopted from that used in a previous study[29]. The questionnaire was pilot-tested among five dental students who finished dental school within two months of piloting the questionnaire. Specific details on the questionnaire were adjusted based on outcomes of the discussions held with the students.