The cohort comprised 57 181 men, and 50 056 women. Those in the AUD group differed from those in
the comparison group with regard to age and gender. In the AUD group, there were 63.7% men and 36.3% women, while in comparison group comprised 53.2% men and 46.8% women. The mean age for the selleckbio AUD group was 41.5 years while it was 43.5 years for the comparison group. Table 1 Baseline characteristics at the emergency department 2002–2008 among the AUD group (mental and behavioural disorders (MBD), F10) and the comparison group Selected discharge diagnoses (other than AUD at the ED) are shown in table 2. The AUD group had a higher percentage in all the selected discharged diagnoses. Table 2 Selected diagnosis at discharge from the emergency department after the first visit among the
AUD group and the comparison group Figure 1 shows the survival function adjusted for age, gender, number of visits, year of entrance and mental or behavioural disorders at discharge from the ED among those in the AUD group (dashed line) and the comparison group (black line) for all causes of death. A greater proportion of those in the AUD group died during the study period compared with those in the comparison group. Figure 1 Survival function at mean of covariates, adjusted for gender, age, number of visits, year of entrance and mental and behavioural disorders at discharge. Dashed line indicates the alcohol use disorder group, and black line the comparison group, p<0.0001. ... The HR and 95% CI of all causes of death and selected causes of death are shown in table 3, for both genders combined.
The HR for all causes of death was 1.91 (95% CI 1.51 to 2.42), for mental and behavioural disorders 7.62 (95% CI 2.76 to 21.07); for mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol 47.68 (95% CI 11.56 to 196.59); for diseases of the circulatory system 2.52 (95% CI 1.73 to 3.68); for diseases of the digestive system 4.58 (95% CI 1.95 to 10.81); for chronic liver disease 14.69 (95% CI 4.99 to 43.28); and for an alcoholic liver disease 19.06 (95% CI 6.07 to 59.87; for external causes of injury and poisoning 4.02 (95% CI 2.48 to 6.53); for accidental poisoning 13.64 (95% CI 3.98 to 46.73; for suicide and intentional self-harm 2.72 (95% CI 1.08 to Drug_discovery 6.83); for events of undetermined intent 10.89 (95% CI 4.53 to 26.16). The HR for all causes of death was significantly associated with gender, age, year of entry, mental diseases and frequency of visits to the ED. The HR was 1.55 (95 CI 1.23 to 1.96) when adjusted for age and gender only. Table 3 Number of all causes and selected causes of death among the AUD group, and the comparison group, HR, 95% CIs adjusted for age, gender, number of visits, year of entrance and mental and behavioural disorders at discharge Table 4 shows the number of deaths, HR and 95% CI for all causes of death and selected causes of death among men and women separately. In the AUD group, 57 men and 15 women had died.