The border of the 3’end was between the 3’ end of Module C and the 5’end of Module E. A similar sequence was found at the homologous site when the full element was present, but also at the 3’ end of the full element, the 5’ end of the element, the joint of the circular intermediate and the predicted target site as based on the 630 sequence (see Table 4). This indicates that Tn6164 was created by two elements INCB28060 mw integrating in the same target site (next to each other) and fusing, with a second copy of the target site still
present between the two original elements within Tn6164. Table 4 Sequences of the joints between the genome
and Tn 6164 and the joint of the circular form CGCATTGCG-AGACTATAG 3’ends of half insert CGCATTGCG-AGACTATAG 3’ends of full insert CTCA-TGTGGAGTGCGTGG 5’end of full insert GCCA-TGTGGAGACTATAG middle LY2874455 section of full element CACA-TGCGTTGTCTTGTG Joint of circular intermediate Tn6164 CACATTGTG-AGACTGTAG CTn2 target site in strain 630 The sequences at the 3’ end of the element in strains that contain P505-15 purchase half the insert or the full insert are identical. These are
related to the sequence at the 5’ end of the element and the middle section of the full element and also to the joint of the circular intermediate of Tn6164 and the empty target site, compared to the empty target site of CTn2 from strain 630. Sequence shown in underlined bold is the dinucleotide which is predicted to be recognised by the serine recombinase. Absence of Tn6164 sequences in other PCR ribotypes Since PCR ribotype 126 has been shown to be very closely related to PCR ribotype 078, with an almost indistinguishable PCR ribotype banding pattern, we also tested a small collection of PCR ribotype 126 strains with Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) the 1–2 and 1–3 PCRs. In none of the 10 PCR ribotype 126 strains tested could we demonstrate the presence of an insert at the site in which Tn6164 was inserted in M120 (results not shown). In addition, a collection of 66 other PCR ribotypes was tested as well. This collection consisted of the 25 most frequently found PCR ribotypes in Europe, supplemented with the Leeds-Leiden collection [31]. None of the other PCR ribotypes, was positive for PCR 1–3, 4–5 or 6–7.