“Summary. Haemophilia A is characterized by the occurrence of frequent spontaneous
intra-articular and intramuscular bleeding. If inadequately treated, it results in progressive damage to joints and muscles leading to crippling deformities and musculoskeletal dysfunction. These complications result in lifelong chronic ALK inhibitor pain and disability that may greatly affect the patients’ mood. We aimed to evaluate the musculoskeletal function in our haemophilia A patients and its correlation to depressed mood in these patients and determine the impact of degree of factor VIII deficiency, different replacement therapy regimens and frequency of hemarthrosis, on both musculoskeletal function and mood. A cross-sectional study was carried out on 50 adolescent haemophilia A patients. Musculoskeletal function was assessed using Functional Independence Score for Hemophilia (FISH) and mood status was assessed using MLN2238 chemical structure Beck Depression Inventory—Short Form (BDI-SF). The mean FISH
score was 23.32 ± 4.69 (range 13–28) and the tasks that obtained lower scores were step climbing, squatting and walking. Of our 50 patients included, 16(32%) were not depressed, 18(36%) were with mild depression, 11(22%) were with moderate depression and 5(10%) were with severe depression. There was a highly significant negative correlation between mean FISH score and mean BDI-SF score (P < 0.001). The better the replacement therapy regimen, the better the musculoskeletal function that could be obtained in haemophilia A patients and the better the mood. "
“IB1001 trenacog alfa is an investigational recombinant factor IX (FIX) for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in individuals with haemophilia B. To compare the pharmacokinetics (PK) of IB1001 with nonacog alfa in individuals 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 with haemophilia B and to assess the relationship between sialylation and PK of IB1001 (NCT00768287). A randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority, cross-over study conducted in participants aged ≥12 years weighing ≥40 kg, with severe or moderately severe haemophilia B (FIX activity ≤2 IU dL −1). PK parameters were derived using observed FIX concentration levels and actual PK sampling times,
and repeated in a subset of participants who had received IB1001 prophylaxis for 4–18 months. A retrospective analysis was conducted in subgroups according to the sialylation levels of IB1001 (50.8, 57.8–59.0%, or 71.7%). In the 32 adolescent and adult males evaluated, there were no clinically meaningful differences in PK parameters between those receiving IB1001 75 IU kg−1 or nonacog alfa. The lower limit of the one-sided 95% confidence interval for the ratio of AUC0-t and AUC0-∞ (IB1001/nonacog alfa) was 0.90, establishing non-inferiority. Terminal phase half-lives were similar (29.7 ± 18.2 h for IB1001 and 33.4 ± 21.2 h for nonacog alfa). The PK results were stable for up to 18 months of IB1001 exposure; the impact of sialylation levels was not clinically meaningful.