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JX, ZKZ, ZL, and JY prepared the samples. JX, QZ, and ZKZ anticipated the optical experiments and analyzed the related experiment data. JX, ZKZ, and YL characterized the morphology of the samples. JX Saracatinib molecular weight and ZKZ performed the simulations using FDTD solution and interpreted the simulation results. JML, JTL, and XHW performed the numerical simulation of Liothyronine Sodium the LDOS section. ZKZ proposed the pulse AC growth method and finalized the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”
“Background The rapid proliferation of advanced electronic devices for many commercial and military applications, such as data transmission, telecommunications,
wireless network systems, and satellite broadcasting as well as radar and diagnostic and detection systems, has led to numerous electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. The interaction of electromagnetic waves originating from different sources can lead to a decrease in quality and a misinterpretation of transferred data, and it has thus become vital to avoid such interference and electromagnetic wave pollution through the use of appropriate absorbing and shielding materials. Carbonaceous materials – such as graphite and/or carbon black – are often used as dielectric electromagnetic absorbers, generating dielectric loss by improving the electrical conductivity of the mixture. In particular, nanostructured materials and carbon fiber composites have been the subjects of growing interest as microwave radiation absorbing and shielding materials in the high-frequency range due to their fascinating properties [1–5].