MATERIALS AND METHODS In observation analysis seventy four patients had stage III histologically documented serous epithelial ovarian canc as defined by International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics and have undergone one or more prior regimens of chemotherapy . All patients were after primary cytoreductive surgery. Conditions of inclusion for intraperitoneal treatment were relapse or recurrence of disea performance phenformin status according to Gynecologic Oncology Grou age over 8, life expectancy over mont neutrophile count exceeding x /l, platelet count exceeding x /l, serum creatinine not exceeding x the upper normal limi bilirubin not exceeding UNL and AST and/or ALT x UNL. The researched homogenous subgroup was elected from the group of patients who were treated intraperitonealy with four or six IP cycles at the Department of Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncolo Medical University of Gdansk.
Second look laparotomy was performed for the detection of cancer after the initialĀ AP23573 cytoreductive surgery and first line treatment; the SLL was performed in all patients who agreed to such surgery. For the detection of recurrence of disease CA , scan and restaging laparotomy were performed. Before each treatme a physical examination was performed and a medical history tak together withplete blood cou blood chemical measurement and measurement of CA . Seventy-four patients elected to the analysis received Milczek T Table . Analysis of IP treatment effects on response and the overall survival from the initiation of IP thera related to the type of platinum contained agent. pCR pPR PD Median Duration of OS III serous ovarian cancer cisplatin group 9 patients III serous ovarian cancer carboplatin group 5 patients Total 1 0 1 0 p value between all groups p > pCR: pathologicalplete response PD: progressive disease pPR: pathological partial Erlosamide 175481-36-4 response IP: intraperitoneal chemotherapy OS: overall survival treatment of four IP courses delivered once every weeks.
Forty-nine patients received 0mg/m cisplatin and sodium thiosulphate intravenously for d and mg/ m cyclophosphamide IV. Twenty five patients received AUC carboplatin buy chloroxine intraperitonealy and mg/ m cyclophosphamide IV . Standard premedication was given to prevent hypersensitivity reaction. Hydratation and antiemetic agents were given before cisplatin administration. For intraperitoneal therapy cisplatin and carboplatin were reconstituted in litres of normal saline and infused as rapidly as possible through an implantable open-ended Tenckhoff catheter placed at the time of Second Look Laparoto Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery or restaging laparotomy.
No ascites occurred at the initiation of IP chemotherapy. Before they received subsequent cycles of thera patients were required to have absolute neutrophil count of no less than x /l, platelet count of more than x /l and serum creatinine of less than x UNL. After the buy chloroxine therapy a restaging laparotomy associated with catheter removal was performed. During restaging laparoto similarly to S biopsies were taken from multiple sit including paracolic gutt diaphra urinary bladder and pouch of Douglas. Routine washing of the peritoneal cavity was done. The followup consisted of a physical examinati plete blood cou blood chemical measurement .