Methods Design The CRS-S was created through a secondary analysis of the Wave 3 CRS-L data (N = 160) from a 5-year Alisertib buy community randomized controlled trial designed to promote smoke-free policy in rural Kentucky. Once the items were selected, a cross-sectional design was used to pilot test the CRS-S during Wave 4. One to two smoke-free policy advocates in each of the 22 treatment communities were invited to participate. Participants were active in the smoke-free campaigns in their community and had participated in Wave 4 CRS-L; each received a link to the online survey through the Qualtrics e-mail distribution system, and reminder e-mails were sent to noncompleters 1 week later. Of the 43 invited, 32 completed the CRS-S (74% response rate) representing 22 counties.
Prior to data collection, this study was approved by the University of Kentucky Institutional Review Board. Measures Community Readiness Survey-Long Form The telephone-administered CRS-L is based on the CRM (York et al., 2008). The questionnaire ranges from 140 to 284 questions, with seven possible additional questions per city in the county. Assuming the maximum number of questions possible for a community with one city, the readiness dimension breakdown is resources (67), knowledge (13), leadership (22), climate (22), political climate (7), and existing policies (9). The interview is designed to be administered over the telephone by trained research personnel. The CRS-L takes approximately 30�C90 min to complete (M = 46 min, SD = 21.6).
The reason for the range in number of questions is because some questions are repeated for each city in the county, and some questions have multiple follow-ups depending on response pattern. An example of a question repeated for every city within a community is the position of the mayor on smoke-free policies (for/against/uncommitted/don��t know). The number of questions also varies based on level of smoke-free activity in the community. For example, a yes response to the question, ��In the past year, has your group or coalition conducted events in X County to educate the public on secondhand smoke?�� prompts follow-up questions on the number and attendance. Community Readiness Survey-Short Form The CRS-S, an online survey using Qualtrics software, includes 61 items designed to assess each of the six dimensions of readiness: resources, knowledge, leadership, climate, political climate, and existing policy (see Table 1). To develop the CRS-S, GSK-3 a subset of items were chosen from the CRS-L. Using Wave 3 data from the longitudinal study, items were retained that were significantly associated with the corresponding dimension score. For a small number of items, wording was changed slightly to be more inclusive within a single item.