“In the original paper, we reported behavioural and ERP measures of response inhibition in the stop-signal task in young female heavy drinkers. We have recently discovered an error in the processing of the probability of inhibition for the earliest stop-signal delay, which had carry-on effects to calculations of stop-signal reaction time (SSRT). This results in minor changes to the significance level of analyses involving the probability Y-27632 concentration of inhibition and SSRT, but does not change the interpretation of these results, and does not affect the ERP results.
The correct results for Table 1, first paragraph of the Results section, and an updated Fig. 1 appear below. Table 1. Group characteristics and performance data for controls (n = 17) and heavy drinkers (n = 13). All values are represented as mean ± SD. F statistics have (1, 28) degrees of freedom. Fig. 1a shows that the probability of successfully inhibiting a response on stop-signal trials decreased with increasing stop-signal delay (F = 349.357, p = .000), and heavy-drinkers were less able to inhibit www.selleckchem.com/products/PLX-4032.html responses at every delay compared to controls (approaching significance; see Table 1 for group statistics). There was no difference in the slope of the inhibition functions between groups (F < 1). The heavy drinking group showed a significantly longer SSRT than the control group,
indicating deficient inhibition. Mean RT and accuracy to Go trials were not significantly different between groups. We also observed a strong positive correlation between scores on Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase the AUDIT and SSRT, such that more hazardous and harmful drinking was associated with a longer SSRT (p = .000, see Fig. 1b). If groups were created based on AUDIT scores, hazardous and harmful drinkers (score ≥ 8) showed longer SSRT (263.90 ± 37.61 ms, mean ± SD) than low-risk drinkers (score ≤ 7, 224.90 ± 33.61 ms; F = 8.82, p = .006). “
“The article to follow was accidently omitted from the March 2011 issue. We apologize for the error. “
“Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a
childhood developmental disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In children with ADHD, a wide range of impairments in cognitive functions are found, particularly regarding executive functions (i.e., response inhibition, working memory, planning, selective and divided attention, set-shifting, and time processing; O’Brien et al., 2010, Pasini et al., 2007, Valko et al., 2010 and Willcutt et al., 2005). While ADHD symptoms often wane in adulthood, these symptoms may persist in some patients. Studies in adult ADHD patients reported on deficits in working memory (Finke et al., 2011 and Marx et al., 2011), reward and emotional processing (Wilbertz et al., 2012, Marx et al., 2011 and Ibáñez et al., 2011), time processing (Valko et al., 2010), and inhibitory control (Bramham et al., 2012, Cummins et al., 2011 and Wilbertz et al., 2012).