Gene copy number variants have been frequently found and studied in humans [2], but are also known to exist in other eukaryotic organisms, such as mouse [3], maize [4], and yeast [5]. Studies on human copy number variants revealed that multiple gene copies are often associated with diseases [6, 7], but can also have positive effects as has been shown for salivary amylase genes [8]. Less is known about consequences of protein coding gene copy number variations in prokaryotes. Though there have been studies on variation of ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers and possible consequences
[9, 10]. Bacteria exhibiting multiple rRNA gene copies seem to respond faster to resource availability [11]. Accelerated growth rate has been conjectured to be a result of high ribosomal copy numbers [12]. In E. coli it is known that more than one rRNA operon has to be functional to express sufficient ribosomes and achieve maximum growth. A-1155463 purchase Bacteria generally Sepantronium solubility dmso possess fewer than 10 rRNA gene copies [13], though some Proteobacteria and Firmicutes may have as many as 15 copies of rRNA operons [10]. Furthermore, ribosomal RNA copy numbers have been suggested to be phylogentically informative [14]. Phylogenetic positions of organisms and the amount of rRNA operon copy numbers they possess are generally associated. Although potentially important effects of ribosomal copy numbers have been suggested
in various studies, protein coding gene copies are less considered. This could be due to the assumption that selection for faster cell replication leads to genome reduction in prokaryotes [15], which would reduce the likelihood of survival Farnesyltransferase of multiple gene copies. Indeed, a tendency towards genome reduction has been observed in endosymbiotic bacteria, and in free living prokaryotes including unicellular marine cyanobacteria [16]. However, conclusions that contradict this have been made by Kou and colleagues [17] who suggest that a lack of large prokaryotic genomes could be
the result of selection acting on an upper limit of genome size. Thus, if there is no selective genome reduction in prokaryotes, multiple gene copies might be more widely distributed and of greater importance for prokaryotes than is believed so far. Among prokaryotes cyanobacteria depict one of the morphologically most diverse phyla. Several of their morphotypes seem to exist for over two billion years as indicated by a well preserved fossil record [18, 19]. Cyanobacteria inhabit diverse environments. They had (and still have) an exceptional influence on the planet due to their ability to conduct oxygenic photosynthesis and fix nitrogen. According to their morphology, cyanobacteria have been classified into five Tipifarnib cell line different sections [20], though molecular data indicate that probably none of the five groups is monophyletic [21–26]. Section I and II consist of unicellular cyanobacteria.