Even today recreational fish consumption advisories exist because

Even today recreational fish consumption advisories exist because of high tissue levels of mercury, PCBs and dioxins (Michigan Department of Akt inhibitor Community Health, 2011 and Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2013). The spread of invasive species, such as zebra mussels

in the mid-1980s, has and currently is impacting the ecological structure and function of the lake (Vanderploeg et al., 2002). Recreational uses such as boating, fishing and visiting beaches have great contemporary importance. Our findings suggest that while drinking water risks have decreased over the last 50 to 100 years, coastal pollution resulting in beach advisories and closures are still occurring. Climate change trends all point to an overall tendency for a warmer and wetter climate (Kling et al., 2003) and when combined with lake paleohydrograph data (Baedke and Thompson, 2000) suggests that the fluctuations of lake levels will continue. Since 1910, LSC average annual levels have increased 4.3 mm yr− 1, even with general fluctuations

of the lake levels. The impacts from climate change (combined with changes in infrastructure and human population, loss of wetlands and invasive species) are not well understood for this lake but are hypothesized to increase primary production, including harmful algal blooms and nuisance macrophyte densities (Kling et al., 2003). Plant and animal communities will likely shift to more tolerant species, including invasive species such as the wetland plant P. australis, that will expand their ranges ( Wilcox, 2012). Major fluctuations BEZ235 manufacturer in lake levels are also a concern for ecological condition and the provision of ecosystem services to human well-being (e.g. boating, aesthetics, property values) ( Kling et al., 2003). In our study, the key challenges for preparing to develop transdisciplinary models were finding and managing historic data sets starting from early 1900s in both countries and aligning the data to

the same spatial scale, such as the natural (e.g. watershed level) or political boundaries (e.g. county level). Similar to Carpenter et al. (2009) and Hufnagl-Eichiner et al. (2011), we found that the simple lack of the data and infrequent geo-referencing of both socioeconomic and biophysical data were a major challenge when working with the CHANS approach. Considering that long-term 4��8C data are essential for studying CHANS and designing for sustainability, then collecting and synthesizing the available data are initial critical steps for understanding the past and preparing for the future (Mavrommati et al., in press). Ecosystem services have been proposed as an appropriate concept to link human and natural systems and the main idea underlying this concept is that changes in natural systems affect human well-being (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005 and Stevenson, 2011). The literature is growing with respect to ecosystem services valuation (Boyd and Banzhaf, 2007, Brauman et al.

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