DNA-PK Inhibitors and patien 7 treateds patien and treated 0 patients with advanced prostate

CED PROSTATE CANCER IN THE UK TABLE Overview of key phase III studies of state-of-the-art therapies in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer Estimated Pivotal phase Prior Estimated Primary Oue for primary ef acypletion Agent Cabazitaxel III study TROPIC docetaxel Yes enrolment endpoint OS Secondary endpoints P overall tumour respon T time endpoint -month improvement in date September prednisone NCT to PSA  DNA-PK Inhibitors progressi PSA respon median OS vs mitoxantrone time to pain progressi pain response Sipuleucel-T IMPACT Yes OS Time to objective disease progression -month improvement in January NCT median OS vs placebo Afibercept VENICE No OS P pa SREs NA June docetaxel/ prednisone NCT Bevacizumab CALGB No OS P PSA P proportion of patients No improvement in OS December docetaxel/ prednisone NCT with a 0 post-treatment PSA decline from baseli toxicity Median OS: vs months Zibotentan ENTHUSE C No OS P tolerabili SR time to PSA NA May docetaxel NCT progressi time to pain progressi pain respon HRQ PSA response Zibotentan ENTHUSE No OS P tolerabili time to opiate u No signi ant improvement in OS July NCT SR bone metastasis formati HRQ time to PSA progressi time to pain progressi time to initiation of chemothera PK Abiraterone COU-AA Yes OS Proportion of patients achieving a PSA -month improvement in June acetate prednisone NCT decline of ‰ 0 according to PSAWG criteria median OS vs placebo Abiraterone COU-AA No PFS NA April acetate prednisone NCT Custirsen NCT Yes Proportion of Time to pain progressi safety NA December docetaxel/ prednisone patients with durable pain palliation Custirsen  Naringenin SYNERGY No OS PFS at days and , safe PSA NA December docetaxel/ prednisone NCT MDV AFFIRM Yes NA OS NA NA NA NCT MDV PREVAIL No OS and PFS SR time to initiation of cytotoxic NA September NCT chemotherapy Prior chemotherapy was permitt and of the patients randomized to sipuleucel-T had received prior docetaxel. confidence interval; hazard ratio; HRQ health-related quality of life; not available; overall survival;

P progression-free survival; pharmacokinetic; P prostate-speci antigen; PSA Prostate Speci Antigen Working Group; S skeletal-related events; T time to progression. treated an average of patients with advanced prostate cancer each year . More than half treated between 1 and patien 7 treated patien and treated 0 patients with advanced prostate cancer annual suggesting that some of our responding oncologists are based in  confiscation specialized oncology uni that are associated with a high patient throughput. Question of the survey asked participants what deition they used when referring to men with metastatic prostate canc and how they would dee CRPC in clinical practice.

Although almost half used the term CR 3 referred to this patient group as HR and 0 used both terms . The deitions used for CRPC were wide-rangi and included disease progression; disease progression after C after orchidectomy and an LHRH agoni THE AUTHORS BJU INTERNATIONAL BJU INTERNATIONAL PAYNE after androgen deprivation thera or after all appropriate lines of hormone thera including steroids and diethylstilboestrol. Questions to 3 of the survey focused on assessing the use of chemotherapy for patients with advanced prostate cancer in the and key factors in encing the oncologistsdecision to treat .

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