Dimension 5 – family size was protective of depressive symptoms. The variable maternal expectation had a long Linsitinib datasheet vector in the biplots indicating that it accounted for a large amount of variance. It did not, however, load onto one of the five dimensions. Consequently, we elected to include maternal expectation in the regression studies. Maternal expectation was strongly predictive of EPDS >12 (OR 2.77; CI 95%: 2.55–3.01). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Table 2 Univariate and multivariate logistic regression on EPDS >12 In the multivariate model social exclusion, infant behavior, migrant isolation, and maternal expectation
remain significant. Family size (dimension 5) is no longer significant when controlling Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the other dimensions and maternal expectation (Table 2). For the multivariate model, the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test was not significant (χ2 = 11.1, df 8, P = 0.169) indicating that the data fit the model well. The model was able to correctly classify 100% of EPDS >12 for an overall success rate of 92.4%. The Hosmer and Lemeshow Test for a model with dimension 5 – family size removed indicated a poorer fit. Discussion Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In our survey of mothers
of infants born in South West Sydney from 2002 to 2003, we identified a five-dimension solution using nonlinear PCA for ordinal, nominal, and dichotomous items. The solution accounted for 51% of the variance among the items studied. The five dimensions identified may represent important underlying latent variables that have causal relationships with maternal depressive symptoms. In addition to the five identified dimensions, the variable maternal expectation was identified as contributing significantly to total variance. Maternal
expectation did not cluster with one of the five identified dimensions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and has therefore been analyzed separately. The first identified dimension, maternal responsiveness Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical included the three variables, enjoys contact with the child, comforts the child, and responds to the child. Interestingly, the vectors for this dimension were perpendicular to other vectors indicating that this dimension is uncorrelated to the other variables in the data set. Poor maternal responsiveness to the infant is recognized as an important outcome of maternal depressive symptoms. The third identified dimension was infant behavior, which included: baby not unless content, -trouble sleeping, -demanding, -difficult feeder, and -difficult to comfort. Maternal depression has been shown to have an impact on infant behavior and attachment. Where a mother is depressed, the effects on her infant have been shown to be mediated by her “attachment state of mind” (McMahon et al. 2006). There has been less research on the impact of infant temperament on maternal stress and depression. Beck in her systematic review found that infant temperament was moderately related to postpartum depression (Beck 2001).