Datasets were hierarchically clustered using Cluster 3 0, using

Datasets were hierarchically clustered using Cluster 3. 0, using Euclidean distance and average linkage, with the MFI value of undetected array features set to 0 and with positive control Vandetanib hypothyroidism samples excluded from being weighted in the clustering process. Results were displayed using Java TreeView software. Sig nificance of overlap between mouse IgM and IgG auto antigen reactivity was determined using cumulative hypergeometric distribution with a total population size of 122 antigens and an overlap of 28 to 36. The Eucli dean distance between IgM and IgG profiles was calcu lated from their MFI values, with nominal P value determined using a paired two tailed t test.

Results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Distinctive profiles of SLE sera with and without reactivity toward histones To test the hypothesis Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries that NETs and the histone PTMs that they harbor might be capable of inducing anti his tone autoantibodies, we first tested serum samples from the ABCoN, a well studied cohort of adult patients with SLE. We randomly selected serum samples of 20 patients from a larger cohort profiled Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries using autoantigen microarrays, comprising 14 histone reactive samples and 6 histone nonreactive samples. Using the Human Epigenome Microarray Platform, we compared these SLE sera to each other as well as to control sera from nine healthy adults and to a positive control comprising a mixture of auto immune sera Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with defined reactivity. Using SAM, we identified IgG reactivity to nine pep tides that significantly distinguish histone reactive from nonreactive sera among 96 peptides profiled.

These reactivities included 5 of 41 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries peptides for which specific, commercially available anti bodies were tested, as well as 4 others. Hierarchical clustering of serum samples resulted in grouping of most of the histone reactive sera, along with the positive control, with the clustering driven by reactivity to unmodified histone H2B peptide as well as H2B peptides acetylated at K12 and K20. Col lectively, these findings are consistent with a previously published study reporting SLE autoantibody reactivity to apoptosis related acetyl H2B epitopes. IgM autoantibody profiles exhibited similar reactivity patterns in the mixed PTM peptide panel, including acetyl peptides of histones H2B, H3 and H4, again con sistent with prior studies. We also observed con siderable reactivity to multiple methyl histone H3 peptides.

However, both histone reactive and healthy sera shared this reactivity pattern and thus were not deter mined to be significant by SAM. Given that IgM antibo dies tend to be lower affinity with broader cross reactivity and may occur naturally with potential regula tory and protective roles against autoimmunity, the significance of reactivity among these epitopes is less clear. Modest levels of IgG or IgM reactivity to citrulli nated H3 and H4 peptides were also observed, with no significant difference between SLE and healthy sample groups.

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