As examples, the expression of LASU1 complex and Cul4A CRL4 is detected primarily in spermatogonia stage and involved in histone ubiquitination during meiosis. An N end rule pathway E3 ligase, UBR2, plays a critical role in transcriptional chromosome inactivation via ubiquitina tion of histone H2A. The majority of E3s that are highly expressed in haploid germ cells probably contrib ute to the morphogenesis during the formation of spermatozoa. For instance, MARCH10 is a microtubule associated E3 and is involved in the organization and maintenance of the flagella of spermatozoa. Although it has been known that the mammalian gen ome encodes a large number of E3s, the exact number is still not known particularly when higher specificity of mining is a major concern to the experimental scientists.
Moreover, how these putative E3s are expressed during discover this info here mammalian spermatogenesis is still an open question. In the present study, we mined out putative E3s from the mouse and human genome, evaluated their expression in multiple tissues, particularly in the mouse testis at dif ferent stages. The ligase activity of selected E3s was con firmed by in vitro and in vivo assays. Our list of E3s expressed during spermatogenesis provides a valuable source for future functional studies of the ubiquitination during mammalian spermatogenesis. Results Mining of E3s from the mouse and human genomes To mine putative E3s from the mouse and human gen omes, we first compiled all protein coding genes from sev eral microarray datasets generated from gene ex pression profiling of multiple tissues and the EST dataset from the UniGene database.
As a result, 26762 and 23058 mouse and human genes were identified, re spectively, and 15952 genes were selleck chemicals homologous genes based on the HomoloGene database annotation. We then searched all protein coding genes for domainsmotifs in the Pfamls and Pfamfs library using HMMER 2. 3. 2 software package with most of the parameters being set to the default values. The E value of the hit was set to be no more than 0. 1. Proteins containing the RING domain, the HECT domain and the U box domain were considered as typical E3s. As a result, 398 and 411 putative E3s were identified from the mouse and the human genome, respectively. Among them, 335 putative E3s were homolo gues between the two species. The proportion of homologues in the E3 set is significantly higher than expected from the number of general homologues of the mouse and the human gen omes. We also identified the yeast homologues of the initial 335 mousehuman homologous pairs from 50 yeast E3s, and only 7 highly conserved E3s among these three species were found. These observations suggested that E3 genes are more conserved between the mouse and human genome.