43 It integrates elements of psychoanalytic object relations the

43 It integrates elements of psychoanalytic object relations theory and cognitive psychology by focusing on understanding the individual’s problematic relationships patterns and the resulting thoughts, feelings, and behavioral responses.

Routinely, 24 CAT sessions are offered with four post-therapy SCH727965 order follow-ups. The patient also benefits from general psychiatric care for assessment and treatment of comorbidity and use of eventual Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical pharmacotherapy, plus crisis team and occasional brief and goal-directed inpatient care. The HYPE program also engages families with psychoeducation and up to four sessions of family intervention. The HYPE intervention is supported by effectiveness data and can be adapted to existing services in other settings.42 Pharmacotherapy There is very little empirical evidence supporting the use of pharmacotherapy with adolescents struggling with BPD. This discussion will be derived from what is suggested in adults and from our clinical experience Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with adolescents (the reader may refer to the article by Luis

H. Ripoll [p 213] in this issue for a review of the pharmacologic treatment of BPD). In BPD, medication should only be used as an adjunct to a multidimensional psychosocial approach and its limitations should be made clear for the patient. If two different persons are involved as the psychotherapist and the prescribing doctor, communication is very important. The pharmacological Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment will be symptom-oriented and will address impulsivity,

affective instability, suicidal behaviors, and non-suicidal self-injury. No medication has received an official indication in the treatment of BPD, and long-term use of pharmacotherapy has not been studied in BPD. A good Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical strategy could be to maintain a medication that works until psychotherapy Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical has led to the development of new strategies. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors In BPD, most studies suggest that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are most effective in reducing anger and impulsive symptoms; a reduction in mood swings is also mentioned.44,45 Other Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease antidepressants are also studied (tricyclics and MAO inhibitors) but SSRIs are preferred, since they are better tolerated in regard to side effects and also they appear safer in case of overdose, which is a particular concern with BPD patients. Bulimia nervosa, a form of behavioral dyscontrol that usually develops in adolescents, is frequently associated with BPD and tends to respond to SSRIs.46 Regarding antidepressants, which are widely prescribed to patients with BPD, one has to keep in mind that they do not treat the disorder and do not produce remission.44 Antipsychotics The literature concerning antipsychotics in BPD is sparse and the samples are small.44,45 Cognitive-perceptual symptoms (reference and paranoid ideas, illusions and hallucinations, derealization) arise mainly in periods of intense emotional stress.

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