4% and 22.3%, respectively; and bothered a lot by headaches, 3.4% and 10.4%, respectively. Combat deployers had significantly higher odds of any new-onset headache disorders than non-deployers (adjusted odds ratios = 1.72 for men, 1.84 for women; 95% confidence intervals, 1.55-1.90 for men, 1.55-2.18 for women), while deployers without combat exposure did not. Conclusions.— Deployed personnel with reported combat exposure appear to represent a higher risk group for new-onset headache disorders. The identification of populations at higher risk of development of headache provides support for targeted interventions. “
“Medical language has implications for both public perception of and institutional responses
to illness. A consensus panel of physicians, academics, advocates, and patients with diverse experiences and knowledge about migraine considered 3 questions: (1) What is migraine: an illness, disease, syndrome, condition, disorder, GSK126 or susceptibility? (2) What ought we call someone with migraine? (3) What should we not call someone with migraine? Although consensus was not reached, theresponses were summarized and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Panelists participated in writing and editing the paper. The panelists agreed that “migraine,” not “migraine headache,” was generally preferable, that migraine met the dictionary definition for each candidate
moniker, terms with psychiatric valence should be avoided, and “sufferer” this website should be avoided except in very limited circumstances. Overall, while there was no consensus, “disease” was the preferred term in the most situations, and illness the least preferred. Panelists disagreed strongly whether one ought to use the term “migraineur” at all or if “person Depsipeptide molecular weight with migraine” was preferable. Panelists drew
upon a variety of principles when considering language choices, including the extent to which candidate monikers could be defended using biomedical evidence, the cultural meaning of the proposed term, and the context within which the term would be used. Panelists strove to balance the need for terms to describe the best science on migraine, with the desire to choose language that would emphasize the credibility of migraine. The wide range of symptoms of migraine and its diverse effects may require considerable elasticity of language. “
“This systematic review examined the effectiveness of parenteral ketorolac (KET) in acute migraine. Acute migraine headaches are common emergency department presentations, and despite evidence for various treatments, there is conflicting evidence regarding the use of KET. Searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, CINAHL, and gray literature sources were conducted. Included studies were randomized controlled trials in which KET alone or in combination with abortive therapy was compared with placebo or other standard therapy in adult patients with acute migraine.