“The widely used hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine is based

“The widely used hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine is based on three doses of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) protein. We previously showed that vectored measles viruses (MV) expressing HBsAg retain measles vaccine function

in monkeys but do not induce a protective anti-HBs response in all animals. We show here that a single dose of HBsAg protein following a three-dose vaccination regimen with an optimized HBsAg-expressing MV elicits protective anti-HBs responses in all four vaccinated Rhesus monkeys. Vaccination strategies coupling the effective, long-term immunity elicited by the high-coverage MV vaccine to prophylactic HBV immunity are discussed.”
“Many species use chemical signals to convey information relevant to social and reproductive status between members of the same species (conspecific), but some chemical signals may also provide information to another species (heterospecific). Both of these types of complex chemical Sotrastaurin purchase signals may be detected by the vomeronasal organ, which sends projections to the accessory olfactory bulb and on to the medial amygdala. Previous reports in hamster and mouse suggest that the medial amygdala sorts this complex chemosensory information categorically, according to its biological relevance (salience). In the present set of experiments, male mice having undergone vomeronasal removal surgery (VNX) or a sham-operation (SHAM)

EPZ-6438 research buy were exposed to conspecific (male and female mouse urine) or heterospecific (hamster vaginal fluid and worn cat collar) chemical stimuli. Similarly to our previous report with intact male mice [Samuelsen and Meredith

(2009) Brain Res 1263:33-42], SHAM mice exhibit different immediate early gene (IEG) expression patterns in the medial amygdala dependent GDC-0449 mouse upon the biological relevance of the chemical stimuli. However, regardless of biological relevance, vomeronasal organ removal eliminates all responses in the medial amygdala to any of the chemical stimuli. Interestingly, VNX also disrupts the avoidance of (an unfamiliar) predator odor, worn cat collar. Here we show that the medial amygdala response to the tested chemical signals is dependent upon an intact vomeronasal organ. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis is used by many laboratories to study the quasispecies distribution of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Here we question the validity of this experimental approach, as conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the migration patterns of two ssDNA molecules and not from RNA. Using previously characterized mutants of the HCV 5′ untranslated regions, we show that contrary to what has been predicted, SSCP migration patterns of DNA amplicons with differences in their nucleotide sequences generated from the full 5′ UTR of HCV are not necessarily unique.

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