Intense staining of CCSN along the surface of the renal vasculatu

Intense staining of CCSN along the surface of the renal vasculature was observed on the PAM-stained kidney sections, indicating universal labeling of CCSN on VECs; no labeling was observed in other sites of the kidneys (Fig. 2a–c).

Electron microscopy also demonstrated CCSN on the surface of peritubular and glomerular capillaries and other blood vessels (Fig. 2d, e). Fig. 2 Histological micrograph of a rat kidney perfused with CCSN (a–e). The thick arrow points to the CCSN-coated vascular endothelium. Overview showing the PAM staining confirmed Selleck Brigatinib intense and exclusive labeling of CCSN on the surface of VECs in the kidney. No labeling was observed in other sites of the kidneys (a). Intense staining along the inner surface of the renal vasculature was observed in the kidneys. A nanoparticle is attached to the capillary (b). CCSN labeling was negative in rat kidney sections as negative control (c). Transmission electron micrograph of rat kidney perfused with silica beads. Overview showing the CCSN-coated microvasculature (d). Specificity of the labeling procedure to an individual capillary at different Doramapimod manufacturer magnifications (e) Immunoblotting analysis The purity of VEC plasma membrane fraction

MK-8931 isolated by the CCSN method was examined by Western blotting using antibodies against organelle-specific marker molecules: caveolin-1 for VEC plasma membrane, cytochrome c for mitochondria, Ran for nucleus, and LAMP1 for lysosomes. An intense band was immunoblotted with anti-caveolin-1

antibody in the CCSN-labeled protein fraction. No bands were demonstrated in the fraction on Western blotting with antibodies against cytochrome c, Ran, or LAMP1 (Fig. 3). These results indicated that the VEC membrane proteins are highly enriched in the CCSN-labeled protein fraction and that no other subcellular organelles were included. Fig. 3 Western blot analysis buy ZD1839 of kidney VEC membrane and kidney lysate samples for quality control. Proteins (10 μg) were separated by SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF membrane, and immunoblotted with antibodies to the indicated proteins. Enrichment of membrane protein Caveolin-1 (Cav1) is found in the kidney VEC membrane fraction without contamination by intracellular components. Cytochrome c (CytoC) is a marker for mitochondria, Ran for nuclei, and LAMP1 (lamp1) for lysosomes LC–MS/MS analysis and protein classification After merging data, 1,205 proteins and 582 proteins were respectively identified in whole kidney lysate and kidney VEC plasma membrane by Mascot search as high-confidence proteins (see Online Resources 1, 2). In the VEC plasma membrane proteome, 399 (71 %) proteins were categorized as characterized proteins and 183 (29 %) were categorized as yet-to-be-characterized proteins on GO/UniProt annotation analysis. The yet-to-be characterized proteins included entries from genes of unknown functions or hypothetical proteins. Among the characterized proteins, 335 (84.

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