Results: The cohort included 3,815 pts (mean age 57, 98% male, 74% Caucasian, 50% HCV +/− alcohol, 28% alcohol only, 56% decompensated, 13% HCC). A total of 84 (2.2%) pts were referred to hospice. Of those who died within 6 mos of cirrhosis diagnosis, 27 (6.2%) were referred to hospice [median survival 100 days (IQR 74-139)]. IWR-1 order Of those with MELD ≥20, 9 (2.4%) were referred to hospice [median survival 119 days (IQR 86-296)]. Presence of HCC was the only covariate associated with hospice referral. Neither age, decompensation symptoms, MELD score,
nor comorbidities predicted hospice referral. Conclusions: In this large cohort of patients with cirrhosis, only 6.2% of those who survived less than 6 mos after cirrhosis diagnosis were referred to hospice. HCC was the only predictor of hospice referral, indicating the discomfort of physicians in referring patients with non-malignant conditions to hospice and need for guidelines on end of life care for patients with advanced cirrhosis. Table. Hospice referral by HCC status in all patients with cirrhosis, patients who died within 6 months of cirrhosis diagnosis, and patients with MELD>=20. Disclosures: Anna S. Lok – Advisory Committees selleck products or Review Panels: Gilead, Immune Targeting System, MedImmune, Arrowhead, Bayer, GSK, Janssen, Novartis, ISIS, Tekmira; Grant/Research Support:
Abbott, BMS, Gilead, Merck, Roche, Boehringer The following people have nothing to disclose: Mina Rakoski, Grace L. Su, Michael Volk Introduction: The prevalence of Tryptophan synthase antibody to hepatitis E virus (anti-HEV) was found to be 21% in NHANES III. The seroprev-alence of HEV in subjects with chronic liver disease (CLD), a population who may share risk factors for HEV transmission, is unknown. Aims: To determine the seroprevalence of HEV in patients with CLD using three different assays. Methods: 229 of 758 adult patients who visited the liver clinic at the NIH from 2/1/12 to 2/1/13 were randomly selected for anti-HEV IgG testing using 2 commercial ELISAs, Wantai (Beijing Wantai) and Focus Diagnostics (Quest, Mayo Laboratory) and, an in house ELISA (NIH), that uses a 55KDa recombinant
ORF-2. Results: Mean age of the 229 patients was 51 years, 47% were women, 44% White, 19% Black, 29% Asian and 9% other. Seroprevalence of HEV varied substantially with the 3 assays, 26% with the NIH, 18% with the Wantai and 14% with the Focus assays. 11% of samples tested positive and 71% tested negative by all 3 assays. Kappa statistic was 75% between NIH and Wantai assays, 59% between Focus and Wantai assays and 45% between Focus and NIH assays. Subjects positive by all 3 assays were significantly older than those positive by Focus alone but similar to those positive by NIH alone (see table). Using Wantai assay, prevalence of anti-HEV increased with age: 4% for patients <40, 14% for 40-49, 22% for 50-59 and 26% for >60 years, (p=0.