Luminal group is very heterogeneous in terms of genetic aberrations such as mutations, reinforcing cations Amplifier / deletions and translocations, aI have. Well ph Phenotypic characteristics, such as proliferation and expression of Estrogen-dependent-Dependent proteins As PgR and TFF1 GREB1 Although the valuation of some of the molecular characteristics can act as a guide for the presentation result, there are still considerable uncertainties NVP-BEP800 in the prognostic and pr Diktiven algorithms. Our approach was to investigate the biological relationships through the application of certain suppressors of this study was the synthesis of Estrogen, aromatase inhibitors in the pr Operative period. Changes that occur to be spread, t with soothing treatment and Ki67 associated residual risk of relapse. Moreover k Can the molecular compounds Changes are characterized as an intermediate parameter for the response. The attempt poetic 2 weeks all inclusive or not in the time window between diagnosis and surgery has recruited more than 2,000 patients. Biopsies before and after IA offer a unique and POWERFUL Hige data to the mechanisms of response and resistance to lack of Understand estrogen.
Pilot work indicated that, although the luminal B tumors h Heren output levels of Ki67 have, is their anti-proliferative response to AI proportional Similar luminal A tumors, anf to anything similar Ngliche reaction, but an hour Heres risk of recurrence residual. The development and implementation of biomarkers for the diagnosis and 17-AAG classification of breast cation and stratification of patients with breast cancer, clinically significant groups are important for the realization of personalized medicine. Assign accurate, reliable Ssige and reproducible patient subgroups of therapeutic interest of gr Wide importance. Breast cancer patient’s treatment decision making based on current analyzes of some immunohistochemical markers, fl uorescence and / or chromogenic in situ hybridization analysis of protein lysates and quantitative real-time PCR. However, it was clear that these markers are not sufficient for the potential of completely individualized therapy Realized constantly.
The advent of broadband technologies and their use in the efforts of basic research and translational research have Breast Cancer Research 2011, Volume 13, Supplement 2 http://breast cancer out the S5 development of diagnostic markers, prognostic and therapeutic targets and potential predictors Pr, which must ultimately be integrated into clinical practice. Some of the main challenges in this process is to maintain the accuracy of the research hypothesis. Excluding potential distortions and defi ne whether the reagents and methods for fi t to This not only requires a thorough assessment of the accuracy, robustness and repeatability of markers and methods for their analysis, but also an adequate contextualization of the validity of a particular biomarker. Ected example, immunohistochemistry can reach into an important tool for identifying potential markers cation of expression in cancer tissues, but fi rst look trivial, by immunohistochemical analysis can aff many parameters that can be aff ECT its accuracy.