These methods resolve the problem of poor estimation of variance of gene expression due to the small sample add to your list size in most microarray studies. Rather than considering each gene probe separately, these Bayesian modified approaches pool information across genes to achieve a more accu rate and stable variance estimation thus improving the results of the tests. IBMT gained further strength as compared with other previously developed methods by incorporating the well documented information about the dependence of the variance of genes on expression intensity levels. The improved performance of IBMT has been demonstrated in a previously published paper, by utilizing simulated data, spike in Affymetric datasets, and experimental data.
The data discussed in this publication have been deposited in NCBIs Gene Expression Omnibus, and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE24235. Functional enrichment testing Enriched Gene Ontology terms and Kyoto Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes pathways were tested by a logistic regression based method, that allows the use of a paired statistical test and has been shown to perform well for experiments with small sample sizes. Enriched GO KEGG was defined as having a false discovery rate less than 0. 01. Five comparisons were analyzed including 1 male vs. female biceps in resting state, 2 exercised vs. resting muscle for men at 4 h post, 3 exercised vs. resting mus cle for men at 24 h post, 4 exercised vs. resting muscle for women at 4 h post, and 5 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries exercised vs. resting mus cle for women at 24 h post exercise.
For this investiga tion, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries we employed directional LRpath, which, similar to the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, has the ability to distinguish between up and down regulated gene groups. Directional LRpath tests up and down regulated genes simultaneously, and calculates log if the fold change is up, and log if the fold change is down. Directly related GO terms with considerable overlap of genes were identified for each condition. This is expected because Gene Ontology is structured in such a way that a gene annotated to a child term is also annotated to all its parent terms. In order to alleviate data redundancy, we carefully selected a subset of terms to include in this report by checking the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries parental relationship between the relevant GO terms.
The redundant terms were collapsed by implementing the following strategy, If only the child and parent term were enriched for a similar group of genes, the child term was used, if sibling terms and parent term GSK-3 were all involved, the more generalized parent term was used. In addition, although three sub ontologies of GO, i. e. cellular component, biological process and molecular function, were considered and tested, our KPT-330 emphasis was given to biological processes because, along with KEGG pathway, biological processes were more relevant to the purpose of our study to reveal cellular events responsible for skeletal muscle response and adaptation to exercise. Real time