n have been deposited in NCBIs Gene Expression Pacritinib FLT3 Omnibus and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE30717. Gene Ontology Annotations and GO enrichment Accession numbers associated with the probe annota tions were used to assign GO and GOSLIM terms. GO enrichment was determined by a proportion test between the number of clones representing a GO term on the array compared to the number of differentially expressed clones representing the same GO term in a given comparison with a p value cut off of 0. 05. Ingenuity pathway Analysis Cellular networks arising from the gene expression data were identified and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries established through the use of IPA. The sequences of differentially expressed genes from treat ments collected at 3 days were all submitted to BLASTN in order to identify human orthologues.
The accession numbers were extracted and used as identi fiers in IPA together with the fold changes of the corre sponding differentially expressed genes. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries The Ingenuity knowledge base was used as a reference and direct and indirect relationships were included and no filters were applied. Bio functions, namely molecular and cellular functions and physiological system development and function significantly related with the input dataset were identified. Networks were then algorithmi cally generated based on their connectivity and a score was assigned. The score was used to rank networks according to how relevant they were to the genes in the input dataset.
Microarray Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries validation by real time RT PCR Array results were corroborated by real time RT PCR using when possible RNA extracted from the same indi Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries viduals used for array analysis from all the different treatments at the 3 day time point. Ten genes were ana lysed and primers were designed using Beacon Design software. For cDNA synthesis, 1 ug of total RNA was Anacetrapib pre treated with DNA free Kit to remove genomic DNA and then cDNA synthesis carried out using 250 ng of DNAse treated total RNA, 200 ng of random hexamers, 40 U of MMLV reverse transcriptase and 5 U of RNAguard Rnase inhibi tor in a final reac tion volume of 20 ul. Q PCR was performed in duplicate reactions using SYBRgreen chemistry and the relative standard curve method, using a StepOnePlus qPCR thermocycler and StepOne software v2. 0. PCR cycling conditions were 10 min at 95 C, followed by 55 cycles of 10 sec at 95 C, 20 sec at the optimal temperature for each primer pair, and 30 seconds at 72 C.
A final melting curve was carried out between 60 and 95 C for all genes and each produced single products dissociation curves. Standard curves relating initial template quantity to amplification cycle were generated using serial dilutions unfortunately of linearized plasmid DNA containing the gene of inter est or of RT PCR specific product obtained from the same specie and tissue, and the efficiency of qPCR reac tions ranged between 82 100%, with the exception of SAPD20351 and SAPD13946 that had efficiencies of 73. 1 and 78. 6%, respectively, and all gave R2 0. 985.