method of perform-ing successful breast conservation surgery after NAC is challenging. It is dif ult to determine how much tissue should be remov especially in patients who responded well to NAC treatment. NAC-treated breast cancers that have a pathologicallyplete remission are associated with an overall higher survival. The favorable prognosis resulting STI-571 from pCR status is consistent among all histo-logic types of breast canc although this relationship strength is varied and is speci to molecular subtype. The pCR rates are known to vary among different subtypes. For examp hormone luminal B to have high Ki 7 expression. Typically luminal A cancer is less aggressive and the disease can be controlled very well by hormone therapy alone.
Improved knowledge about the accuracy of residual disease detection by imaging after NAC may help plan op-timal surgery to achieve a tumor-free margin. This is important to decrease reexcision rates and minimize local recurrence. The bas luminal A, and luminal Ubiquinone inhibitor B types are associated with tumors with different molecular biomarke including HE H and Ki 7, and these biomarkers may have different in ences on the accuracy Rhein 478-43-3 of tumor size measurement by MRI after NAC. Previous studies have shown that the diagnostic accuracy of MRI was better in HE than in HE cancer. More spe-ci al a higher false-negative rate and a larger size discrepancy between imaging and pathologic dings are more frequently receptor “negative tumors tend to respond better to chemo-found in HE than in HE cancer.
Factors affecting the therapy than do HR-positive cance and HE tumors treated with the targeted therapy trastuzumab are more likely to achieve pCR than are HE tumors treated buy Amygdalin with NAC that does inaccurate evaluation of HE cancer are still not well kno but the evidence in the literature suggests that the HRs and Ki 7 may play an important role. In this stu we measured the tumor not include trastuzumab. size after NAC with MRI in HE cancer andpared the Many studies have investigated the role of magnetic resonance imaging of the breast as a diagnostic tool for evaluating the extent of residual disease after NAC. Despite superior accuracy whenpared with other modaliti MRI can over-or underesti-mate residual tumor extent. This inaccurate assessment may be in enced by tumor respons chemothera-peutic age or NAC-induced reactive changes within the tumor.
2 The accuracy of MRI in patients who undergo NAC is also affected by the molecular characteristics of the cancer. The traditional prognostic markers for breast cancer ”such as tu-mor si sta lymph node stat H and the HE receptorhave been well studied. A newer classi ation hobby method to separate luminal and basal types based on molecular characterization through high-throughput gene expression proing is being investigated. Lu-minal A, luminal B, and basal types have different responses to che-motherapy and different clinical oues. In particul sub-typetriple negative does not receive targeted therapy or hormone therapy to control the disea and usually has a poor prog-nosis. However the highly proliferative nature of this tumor makes it highly susceptible toallowing for optimal chemotherapeutic treatments to possibly change the prognosis. , 7 For examp in a neoadjuvant setti higher pCR rates .